Zebra testosterone...

Tim Driman

Active Member
Sep 28, 2020
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When shooting wildlife, I like to sit quietly, and observe closely... In a large group of zebras, the stallions can't help but show off to the ladies, and often will spar and wrestle with each other, in the hopes of attracting their attention, and this provides great action pics.

Location: Savuti ( Botswana )


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I never knew that these could be as nasty as they really are.
Watched some nature show and wham the stallion was attack a foal for some reason.
But this shot show them how they can really be so I like this so much as there is no hiding from the truth.
I never knew that these could be as nasty as they really are.
Watched some nature show and wham the stallion was attack a foal for some reason.
But this shot show them how they can really be so I like this so much as there is no hiding from the truth.
In many African wild animals, the males will attack, and often kill young males, which they sense as potential rivals for dominance... Its nature's way of "the survival of the fittest"!

In the Felids ( Cat family) if a male come's into an area, he will often attacked and kill the cubs of a female! She will immediately come into oestrus (On heat) and they will mate....

In hippos, a female that gives birth to a male calf will remove herself and the calf from the main hippo pod until the calf is older, and only then return to the pod.... Hippo bulls are lethal if they think they can get challenged, even though a calf could do nothing to harm it! It is very sad to witness 😰

Its all about keeping the gene pool strong...

Harsh! But that's what nature is all about o_Oo_Oo_O
In many African wild animals, the males will attack, and often kill young males, which they sense as potential rivals for dominance...

the older i get, the more i feel the same way about the young know it all kids on the job 🤣