Birds Birds Non-BIF Thread - Post Your Shots Here

These young'uns are really cute.
  • ILCE-7M4
  • FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS II
  • 200.0 mm
  • ƒ/22
  • 1/200 sec
  • ISO 3200
A first for me, a Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. Several people have reported seeing several over the last few days at a local nature park so I drove the 45 minutes to have a look today. After an hour and a half or so I had not seen one but another photographer I ran into said she had seen one 20 minutes earlier. As I was preparing to leave the other photographer waved at me and indicated that there was one in the marsh. I watched him for about 30 minutes hoping he would either fly or do some hunting. He was content to sit on a branch most of the time allowing me to get some different views.

  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1000
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1250
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1250
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1250
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 140.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1000
In addition to the heron from the previous post, I also got photos for the first time of a White-eyed Vireo and a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. These birds don't seem to stay stationary for very long but one caught a dragonfly to feast on and the other was tending a nest so I was able to grab multiple shots.
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1600
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1250
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 500
I went to a location today looking for a rare bird for this area that has been hanging around. I didn't see it but did get shots of four birds for the first time.

Eastern Kingbird
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 840.0 mm
  • ƒ/9
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 500

Osprey in flight
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 840.0 mm
  • ƒ/9
  • 1/1250 sec
  • ISO 640

Eastern Meadowlark singing
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 840.0 mm
  • ƒ/9
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1000

Northern Rough-winged Swallow
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 250
I am really slow at getting through the files of some outings. Some of the finds from an Aug outing at Bombay Hook NWR

A GBH at dawn
Great Blue Heron - Bombay Hook NWR - 08142022 - 02-DN.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 324.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 6400

An early 1st year Bald Eagle as it hasn't even started to brown yet

Bald Eagle - Bombay Hook NWR - 08142022 - 03-DN.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/11
  • 1/640 sec
  • ISO 160

Great and Snowy Egrets, GBH and a Laughing Gull with a fish

Egrets and Herons - Bombay Hook NWR - 08142022 - 01-DN.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 200.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/2500 sec
  • ISO 2000

Green Heron
Green Heron - Bombay Hook NWR - 08142022 - 01-DN.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 400

Wood Ducks

Wood Duck - Bombay Hook NWR - 08142022 - 06-DN.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 289.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 500
That's an excellent shot. I see these common loons every day, but I've never seen one do what you captured.

Well done.
Tafted duck on the pond by the Princess of Wales pub.
  • ILCE-7M4
  • FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS II
  • 200.0 mm
  • ƒ/11
  • 1/200 sec
  • ISO 250
A few shots from the day.

Great Blue Heron with two chicks. You have to look close to see the second chick to the right of the first chick.
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 840.0 mm
  • ƒ/9
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 800

Red-Headed Woodpecker storing acorns.
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 840.0 mm
  • ƒ/9
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 1250

Goose with her goslings.
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS
  • 397.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/400 sec
  • ISO 500

Gosling in the grass.
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS
  • 588.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/500 sec
  • ISO 200

A neighbor called me to let me know that he saw a Turkey Vulture fly into my yard to snack on a dead squirrel. He didn't mind me getting pretty close to get some photos.
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS II
  • 200.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 1600
I just luv these little guys.
View attachment 36418
This one was having a little party all on his own, splashing and diving and followed by more general chaos.
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/2000 sec
  • ISO 250
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/2000 sec
  • ISO 320
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I'll be posting a few of these, but for now... Blue Tit, one our most iconic birds.
DSC00011 copy.jpg
  • ILCE-7RM4
  • FE 200-600mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS
  • 600.0 mm
  • ƒ/7.1
  • 1/1000 sec
  • ISO 2500
Eastern Bluebirds have nested in a birdhouse at my Mother-in-law's house. I saw a head poking out earlier.

  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/200 sec
  • ISO 5000
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 125
  • ILCE-7RM5
  • FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS + 1.4X Teleconverter
  • 560.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/640 sec
  • ISO 400
Been finishing up some older outings. From NYC in late dec
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser - NYC - 12282022 - 07.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS (SEL100400GM)
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/1250 sec
  • ISO 500

Bufflehead - NYC - 12282022 - 01.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS (SEL100400GM)
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/500 sec
  • ISO 250

Northern Shoveler
Northrn Shoveler - NYC - 12282022 - 02.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS (SEL100400GM)
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/640 sec
  • ISO 320

American Coot
American Coot - NYC - 12282022 - 02.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS (SEL100400GM)
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 250

House Sparrow
House Sparrow - NYC - 12282022 - 05.jpg
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 GM OSS (SEL100400GM)
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/500 sec
  • ISO 250