That's interesting: the A1 gets focus bracketing - wasn't expecting that.
The A9 III gets 1/80000 for all apertures - wasn't expecting that, either!
And all three get C2PA support.
I found that the new softer/larger eye cup that comes with the A1 II is the Sony FDA-EP21 (the regular one is the FDA-EP19). It's already listed on the Sony web site in my country, but without a release date or a price (just "Available Soon")
If your camera comes with an FDA-EP19 (and a number...
I just got the a9m3 body. To give some background I’m using CF express type A Lexar card. Sony GM 16-35 2.8 lens.
For some reason I’m not getting the image bursts of 30, 60, 120. I have it set to continuous drive hi+. But when I press the shutter It takes two seconds just to get around 20-28...
I have encountered a little issue happening when the ProFoto A1X (and possibly similar) is mounted to the a9 III's hot shoe and used for TTL flash.
The a9 III's max sync speed while using TTL is 1/500th. If you dial your SS past 1/500th, the camera automatically goes into HSS and the flash goes...
For some reason I've been trying to photograph butterflies in flight at the Butterfly House at Melbourne Zoo.
The A7RIV - perfect for butterflies at rest, but in-flight - no chance with me behind the camera
The A1 - a better camera, and maybe if I worked hard at a strategy for getting focus...
The Sony A9 III User Manual is now available to view online or download as a PDF.