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  1. Supermoon


    We have two supermoons in August, this was an image I got last year as it rose from behind the Moorfoot Hills in Midlothian, Scotland.
  2. las872091

    Moving out of auto in Brisbane

    Hi All, Thanks for accepting my request to join. Hoping you can all help me with a little in house competition going on. We have recently bought a telescope etc and it sparked an interest in astrophotography in the house. First of the problems being we have only ever used cameras on the auto...
  3. 21S01384 extra colour.jpg

    21S01384 extra colour.jpg

    The Moon, with exaggerated colours. The blue areas are rich in Titanium.
  4. Eclipse and Stars (33).jpg

    Eclipse and Stars (33).jpg

    The recent full moon eclips from Open Space near Broomfield, Colorado
  5. Moon Eclipse (19)v2.jpg

    Moon Eclipse (19)v2.jpg

    They recent full moon during and eclips from Broomfield, Colorado Open Space. Sony A6000. F6.3, 1/2 Second, 3200 ISO, 350mm lens. It was taken about 5am; a few minutes before a total eclips (about 5.15am).
  6. Eclipse and Stars (33).jpg

    Eclipse and Stars (33).jpg

    Moon eclips with several stars. Sony A6000 F6.3, 1/5Sec, ISO 3200, 350mm lens.