On May 26th there was a full moon accompanied with an eclipse at about 5:15am. The Moon had just come out of from behind a cloud and had settled into a slight haze on the horizon about 5:00am, just moments before the total eclipse.
The Milky ,Way was shot from a senic over look in Rocky Mountain National Park with a Sony A6000, F2.8, 20 second, 5000 ISO. I wish I had set the ISO at about 3200. I used a Rokinon 14mm lens. I later purchased a 20mm Sony lens and prefer shooting with the Sony lens.
They recent full moon during and eclips from Broomfield, Colorado Open Space. Sony A6000. F6.3, 1/2 Second, 3200 ISO, 350mm lens. It was taken about 5am; a few minutes before a total eclips (about 5.15am).