That's interesting: the A1 gets focus bracketing - wasn't expecting that.
The A9 III gets 1/80000 for all apertures - wasn't expecting that, either!
And all three get C2PA support.
I bought a spare part (memory card door/cover - MEDIA LID ASSY (850)) from Encompass to replace mine (was a bit damaged) on my Sony A1 (ILCE-1).
I managed to take the damaged one out of the camera. But I struggle to put in the new one. There is a shaft that doesn't want to go in the 2 top...
Dear All
Please check out my new Youtube video about a Canoe Photo Safari in the Lower Zambezi Nationalpark. It's an extremely beautiful but also a Hippo & Crocodile infested habitat as some of you might know. We started in the early morning for an about 4 1/2 hours cruise on one of the side...
Hello All
I think I did not show it here yet, so better late than never I guess ;-)
I was in Botswana in June 2021 for a photographic safari and met up with the guys of Pangolin Photo Safaris. One of their hosts and photo coaches, the professional CANON shooter Charl Stols, tested some of the...
Hello friends,
I am doing aerial photography using a helicopter over a few cities. I have the following kit:-
1. Pentax 645Z with 28-45, 55, 90mm (all top class lenses, with another lens 45-85mm coming soon) : My workhorse camera, great results except when I need to shoot rapidly over parts...