I know these are fairly common in many areas, but this is the first time I actually NOTICED them and photographed them. :) One of the few birds as of late that I’ve been watches that has incredibly solid, clean, large patches of colour with almost no speckling or banding.
Cold, miserable day, intermittent snow and howling wind. These two couples were constantly getting blown around the lake. Would fish for a minute, get blown 50m downwind, rest, fish, get blown further downwind…etc.
Cold, miserable day, intermittent snow and howling wind. Notice the drips of water coming off their bills and the relatively rough waves. They were constantly fighting to stay where they wanted to be.
Two male canvas backs, tire from flying low around the pond fighting over a potential mate and start to settle back down into the water to rest up before the next duel.
Like the proverbial road runner, here, two male Canvas Backs are squabbling over mates. The male choosing the opt out of the fight almost runs across the water just like the road runner escaping the coyote!