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A Few Minor Changes to the Forum

Tim Mayo

Pro Member
Pro Member
Mar 1, 2020
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United Kingdom
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Hi all,

Just thought I'd keep you updated about changes to the forum.

I've made a few changes since the forum went live, so far these have been:

1. Enabled the displaying of exif data underneath full-size forum attachments. This will only work if your images contain exif data. If you don't want to display this you can disable it under your account preferences. Please note that this feature is a work in progress and I've noticed that it doesn't always display the lens used, but I thought I'd enable it anyway as some members have been asking for this and it's 90% there.

2. Renamed the Architecture Forum to Art & Architecture.

3. Added Full-Frame Lenses and APS-C Lenses forums to their respective categories.

4. Added an Accessories Category with Bags, Tripods, Memory Cards and Other Accessories forums.

5. Enabled multi-quote that allows you to quote and reply to several posts within a single post of your own.

6. Changed the color of the navigation bar from blue to black and orange. I had originally gone with the Facebook color scheme since I know so many members here are also using Facebook Groups and I wanted to maintain a little consistency. But I never really liked it and the new Facebook design has also done away with the blue navigation bar so I figured I'd change it back to what I was originally using when I setup the forum.

7. Tweaked the forum signature that is only available to pro members. You can now add 100 characters and it will display once per page instead of once per thread. It doesn't display every time you post in order to keep the thread clean, but you'll see it the first time you post and each time a new page loads with one of your posts.

8. I removed the green new label next to forums that indicates when there is a new thread/post to read. I felt this was a little too much as the forum icon changes color to orange anyway when there are new items to read, when everything has been read it will be grey.

I'm also looking into how I can run monthly photo competitions, as soon as I've figured this out I'll let you know! :)

If you have any suggestions please drop them in the Feedback / Suggestions Forum.

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