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A former photo magazine editor (re)enters Sony land

Verity, my current wife has been by my side for over thirty years. We're both equally lucky in that, in the main, we share similar interests. The big thing we share is a love of the outdoors, other things sort of tack onto that, wildlife, travel, amatuer forestry and photography.

We were talking to an old veteran photographer in a hide the other day, and he asked Verity if she shared my hobby, she replied in the affirmative. He turned to me and said "you're very lucky", to which I replied "doesn't your wife enjoy taking photos" to which he said, " I don't want her coming along, she nags me enough at home ". At that point, I realised how lucky both of us were.

Many people go through life with someone who they shouldn't even be with. Most of my mates who are married are pretty miserable overall. For some silly reason people view a partner in a strange unrealistic light. For instance, imagine being a bloke who loves golf and camping, if you knew a guy who just sits at home watching TV all day how often would you hang out? But they meet a girl who has opposite ideas on life so they get married, it's a recipe for disaster.

Now I've always been big on the two of you having separate interests as well because time apart is valuable, but on the broad scheme of things you should have mostly aligning interests.

New in Marketplace
