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A suggestion for a long-lasting thread

Clix Pix

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Aug 18, 2020
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Northern Virginia Suburbs of Washington, DC
On a photography forum in which I participate, there is a subform for long-running threads -- specifically, for Photo of the Day (365 Days) threads posted by and maintained by members who are involved in their own POTD project, and also a 52-Weeks Project, where again, those who are participatng in doing a 52-Weeks Project post their results on a weekly basis.... Also there's Photo of the Month, where a participant shares just one outstanding photo from the month.

This kind of thing can be fun for participants and viewers, but....word of warning here: often people drop out, especially from their POTD thread when they find it is just too demanding and time-consuming. The same happens with the POTW project as well, although often that takes a little longer before participants drop out. Right now on that other forum, for instance, we started out with seven participants at the beginning of 2020 for a POTW project. Someone else joined midway through the year. Now, just over a month from the year's end, we are down to I think only one participant, consistently shooting and posting (moi) although someone else does seem to come-and-go so I'm not sure if he's still really in it or not. So there's that: people start out with great enthusiasm for such a project but then life gets in the way or they run out of ideas of what to shoot or something else happens.

Another thing which I've observed is that in the beginning there are a lot of comments from others who aren't participating, just looking and admiring, and that serves to help keep the participants going with their projects, but eventually the comments drop off -- but interestingly, not always the views. It's rather annoying, actually, to see that one has had xxx number of views while no comments on the actual images, week after week.

So just a thought here if you're interested in putting up a subforum for Photo of the Day or 52 Weeks or Photo of the Month kinds of projects..... There are plusses and minuses on both sides of this. (Disclaimer here: I'm about to wrap up Week 48 of my 52 Week Project for 2020 and I'm both relieved and excited and actually thinking about doing one in 2021 now as well, since I seem to have become hooked on this!)
I've had friends try this and I've watched them all suffer! So, with that in mind, I'll happily give it a go! :)
It really IS fun, and for me the Weekly project is much more manageable and flexible than trying to shoot something decent each and every day of the year. With the weekly project, if I am busy one or two days and just don't have time to shoot, no problem; as long as by the end of the week I have at least a few images to share. Since a year ago in November is when I'd just bought my Sony gear, as the New Year was rolling around I liked the idea of doing a 52-Week project as that way I'd definitely be using my new gear, rather than having it sitting in the cabinet. This has been a fun project and I'm getting an enormous sense of satisfaction seeing all the weeks that I've already shot images in and realizing that we are actually indeed getting into the home stretch now with this.... I'll be wrapping up Week 48 tomorrow and on Monday will be commencing with Week 49. WOW!!!
On a photography forum in which I participate, there is a subform for long-running threads -- specifically, for Photo of the Day (365 Days) threads posted by and maintained by members who are involved in their own POTD project, and also a 52-Weeks Project, where again, those who are participatng in doing a 52-Weeks Project post their results on a weekly basis.... Also there's Photo of the Month, where a participant shares just one outstanding photo from the month.

This kind of thing can be fun for participants and viewers, but....word of warning here: often people drop out, especially from their POTD thread when they find it is just too demanding and time-consuming. The same happens with the POTW project as well, although often that takes a little longer before participants drop out. Right now on that other forum, for instance, we started out with seven participants at the beginning of 2020 for a POTW project. Someone else joined midway through the year. Now, just over a month from the year's end, we are down to I think only one participant, consistently shooting and posting (moi) although someone else does seem to come-and-go so I'm not sure if he's still really in it or not. So there's that: people start out with great enthusiasm for such a project but then life gets in the way or they run out of ideas of what to shoot or something else happens.

Another thing which I've observed is that in the beginning there are a lot of comments from others who aren't participating, just looking and admiring, and that serves to help keep the participants going with their projects, but eventually the comments drop off -- but interestingly, not always the views. It's rather annoying, actually, to see that one has had xxx number of views while no comments on the actual images, week after week.

So just a thought here if you're interested in putting up a subforum for Photo of the Day or 52 Weeks or Photo of the Month kinds of projects..... There are plusses and minuses on both sides of this. (Disclaimer here: I'm about to wrap up Week 48 of my 52 Week Project for 2020 and I'm both relieved and excited and actually thinking about doing one in 2021 now as well, since I seem to have become hooked on this!)
More great ideas, thank you! I'll have a think about the best way to implement something similar here, probably starting off in the new year. Congratulations on sticking to your 52 week project, that must have been tough!
Thanks! Yep, I'm in the home stretch now..... WOW!!!!! Back in mid-December or so when people first started discussing signing up for a 52-week project, at first I demurred when someone suggested I join in. I was concerned that I'd start out with enthusiasm but then would lose interest or motivation and drop out somewhere along the line. That has happened in the past with a 365-day project (POTD). I thought about the idea, though, and realized that a weekly project would give me more flexibility than the demanding photo-of-the-day project, since if on a particular day I didn't have the time or opportunity to shot, no harm done, as long as there were some photos shot during the week. Since I had just bought my A7R IV and lenses, too, I thought, what better way to really put them to use, get to know them and enjoy them?

I have really had fun with the 52-week project and in addition to using my A7R IV, I also use the RX10 IV and my iPhone -- whatever works! Sometimes a situation has come up suddenly and I can grab the RX10 IV more quickly than the A7R IV a lens....especially one of the longer lenses. I've enjoyed the 2020 52-week project so much that I am seriously considering doing one in 2021 as well!
ClixPix, your 52wk Project idea is new to me... don't get out much and some of my naps last for weeks if not months. What exactly is involved in a 52wk project? What do you do? Examples? Is there a specific point, purpose, goal for implementing it on a forum? I'm lost. Pls explain, briefly.
Sorry for my long absence.....

A 52-Week Project is when a photographer shoots during the week and then at the end of that week selects a few of his or her best images and posts them in a dedicated thread on a forum or in his or her own online gallery...... I have wrapped up one for 2020 and now am embarking on a new one for 2021. It's fun and it's challenging, and definitely gets me using my gear several times a week!
A 52-Week Project is when a photographer shoots during the week and then at the end of that week selects a few of his or her best images and posts them in a dedicated thread on a forum or in his or her own online gallery...... I have wrapped up one for 2020 and now am embarking on a new one for 2021. It's fun and it's challenging, and definitely gets me using my gear several times a week!

I will try to find this as it might just be something I can get into.
I to am at times unable to get out for a week here and there so this could work for me.
Great information so thank you Clix Pix

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