A9X rumor


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Aug 18, 2020
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As a birder I look forward to this A9X with more Mpix to crop and better EVF
However, I'd like to see the ergo be improved, better grip, higher body, more room between grip and lens , better AF-ON AEL button placement ...
The current A9 gave me fingers cramps after a long day of shooting
I also hope they keep the price reasonable and not ask for exorbitant ones
Will find out soon enough around the NY timeframe?
As a birder I look forward to this A9X with more Mpix to crop and better EVF....

....Will find out soon enough around the NY timeframe?
Recently read a supposed credible inside leaker contending 9iii will have approx 50m sensor and released 1Q 2021. Price likely won't increase much unless Sony integrates new laser AF technology with or instead of CDAF/PDAF. We can only keep our fingers crossed. Hopefully they won't change battery size, as most seasoned shooters have stockpiled an arsenal of different sized bats sufficient to power the city of New York for a year.
The new A7IV rumor is also interesting; it will sport a new 30MP sensor; If its AF is anything close to the current A9 AF I'd consider it too since it could cost less than half the price of a A9X
I think Sony will keep differentiating the camera lines. Meaning that I don't think the a9 will get a bigger sensor because how will it be able to keep up with the speed?
.....a bigger sensor because how will it be able to keep up with the speed?
I'm hoping the same way they did it in the past, by improving the Processor, data rate, buffering, etc. But I suspect you're right in the sense that beefing up the processor to accommodate increased volume of data from a large sensor is their greatest challenge.
I stopped chasing megapixels for megapixels' sake some time ago. My professional work is all magazines and online, and for that I've found that—all else being equal—anything over 20MP just wastes storage space. 300dpi printing can only resolve so much of a big file. My experience and opinion only, of course!
I stopped chasing megapixels.... My professional work is all magazines and online..... anything over 20MP just wastes storage space.....
Jon, for your particular use and needs, you're likely correct. Although I do it here on forums, I'm usually reluctant or at least cautious about giving advice, especially not knowing all the scoop on questioner's situation -- fin means, usage, preferences, knowledge, proclivity, etc.

Sometimes we look foolish to some others in our lust for mega-sensors, obscene pref for long fast glass, or perfectionism for best possible images. Some people like me may have more money than brains or wisdom.

In my case, I think it's more about exercising creativity, testing my metal, leaning more towards artistry vs. photography only. We see a gorgeous woman or animal or landscape --- so strive to depict it in the most favorable manner --- maybe relying on big sensors, exorbitant glass, or sophisticated software. Maybe being an artist flexing our creative muscles thru imagination. So we go stupid silly and buy elaborate gear. We have a psychotic GAS attack. And may look foolish to others. But it's a choice.

Too many words all of a sudden. Now I'm tired, need a nap.
At the moment when you shrink the pixels to squeeze more on you increase the noise, and for available light shooting that just makes the exposure triangle crunch worse for wildlife shooters.
You also place more demand on glass and technique.
Those are high costs in not getting closer to the subject.
It is amusing to read this thread in the light of what we know happened...