Cotton Carrier Skout - Brief review


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Sep 2, 2020
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United States
Eaton Rapids, Michigan
Hi all,

wanted to share some brief thoughts on the cotton carrier skout.

TL;DR - looks funny, works great - has a rain cover!

First, this thing can be adjusted to fit very snugly on your body, and is very easy to adjust based on the layers of clothing you have on. It also has a rain cover that comes with it that is long enough to cover my A6500 WITH sigma 150-600 and MC-11 mounted - which is AWESOME for a quick rain.

I purchase this prior to a trip to alaska, where i suspected that i'd be looking at very fluid photo opportunities and a high potential for variable weather. Because we were on boats and hiking, etc, i wanted to have quick access to the "big" lens but able to switch quickly between it and my other travel lense - the 18-135. This allowed me to do that quickly, as when mounted to the 150-600 lens instead of the a6500 body you can just leave the lens hanging from your chest. it looks like of silly, but the lens hangs just a few inches below your chin so swapping the body on and off is easy. I carried the 18-135 in a waterproof pouch hanging from the carrier by carbiner. it also has a safety strap to protect it from falls, which fortunately i didn't need, but did like that it was there.

the lens attaches with a small cam that slides into a slot on the front of the carrier perpendicular to how you want it to hang, and once in the holder is can be moved easily back and forth for when sitting down or whatever, but it is very secure - and because it isn't in a bag you don't have to worry about banging it on anything while hiking, climbing on or off a boat or vehicle or when sitting down or trying to brace yourself for shooting.

i highly recommend it and am very happy with the purchase.