Does the IBIS Lock When Turned Off?

Bryan Carroll

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Aug 18, 2020
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I have an a6500, and I do a lot of hiking with my camera. I was wondering if the IBIS locks up when the camera is turned off, or will the IBIS wear out faster while hiking/moving around because it'll be bouncing around a lot more than a camera typically would?
I believe it does.
My A7III has moving parts inside when turned off. Given the weight of the moving parts I feel, it must be the sensor ...
Maybe it's the same for A6500 ?
My A9 and A7R III are silent.
My A7III has moving parts inside when turned off. Given the weight of the moving parts I feel, it must be the sensor ...
Maybe it's the same for A6500 ?
Maybe the older version cameras didn't have a locking feature and maybe the newer versions do?
My A7III has moving parts inside when turned off. Given the weight of the moving parts I feel, it must be the sensor ...
Maybe it's the same for A6500 ?
my a6500 doesn't feel like anything is moving around when it is off..