Focus Area Limits


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May 19, 2021
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United States
Hey guys,
Tim made me aware of this area of my camera and I’ve never seen so many settings. Do I select one or 2? I have zone and zone tracking selected. Can I do this, or do I only choose zone tracking?
Thank you
That was good, and I like Jason. If you could answer my specific question I would appreciate it.
Select the ones that YOU will use. Each option has usefulness in some form of photography or some situation.

An example: If you don't do any photography of moving object than you probably don't need to have any of the tracking ones, if you only occasionally photography moving objects maybe you only need 1 or 2 of them. If you find that the Wide Area Tracking is something you need then you probably do not also need the Wide Area option selected.

I haven't said this to be mean or anything like that. It is just that someone like me saying select XY&Z will not help you because you do not have the experience that I have and use the camera in the same way that I do. You need to try out all the options, see which make sense for you and then eliminate the ones that don't.
Select the ones that YOU will use. Each option has usefulness in some form of photography or some situation.

An example: If you don't do any photography of moving object than you probably don't need to have any of the tracking ones, if you only occasionally photography moving objects maybe you only need 1 or 2 of them. If you find that the Wide Area Tracking is something you need then you probably do not also need the Wide Area option selected.

I haven't said this to be mean or anything like that. It is just that someone like me saying select XY&Z will not help you because you do not have the experience that I have and use the camera in the same way that I do. You need to try out all the options, see which make sense for you and then eliminate the ones that don't.
Hey David, I’m trying to set up for one particular shoot. This is important to me because it is for my Son. It’s not normally what I shoot or how I shoot. Do I select zone and zone tracking both at once or just zone tracking?
Thank you for your reply.
Select the ones that YOU will use. Each option has usefulness in some form of photography or some situation.

An example: If you don't do any photography of moving object than you probably don't need to have any of the tracking ones, if you only occasionally photography moving objects maybe you only need 1 or 2 of them. If you find that the Wide Area Tracking is something you need then you probably do not also need the Wide Area option selected.

I haven't said this to be mean or anything like that. It is just that someone like me saying select XY&Z will not help you because you do not have the experience that I have and use the camera in the same way that I do. You need to try out all the options, see which make sense for you and then eliminate the ones that don't.
So, I can select two at once? That’s really what I needed to know.
If you don't do any photography of moving object than you probably don't need to have any of the tracking ones
You might. Even with static objects, I might recompose --- and it's useful to have the focus stay on the object.
So, I can select two at once? That’s really what I needed to know.
Wait... Are you/we talking about the same thing?

There are indeed a heap of focus zones. You can select and use one at a time. You can select in the menu, in the Fn screen display, or you can assign a button to scroll through them.

Because there are so many, there is also a menu item to let you restrict the ones you see. I restrict to just three. I use a button to step through them. With just three, this is easy.

Yours is a 7Riv, mine is a 7iv. there may be differences. But the 7Rv bought the newest stuff and we don't have to worry about that.

Photographing people with these cameras is so easy it feels like cheating! I mostly photograph people. 95% I use Tracking/wide. If the camera won't pick the eye/face I want them I change to tracking spot.

Sometimes one doesn't want to track. Sometimes one wants to photograph a thing that is not a nearby face or eye. Actually, that's the one I find most confusing!
There certainly are a lot of options. This is my first time in that menu and I just want to know if I can choose more than one, zone, and zone tracking. Or will zone tracking alone cover both of them?
I have them all selected, but focus points set to a button and just scroll through them in split secs while shooting, I don`t even need to remove my eye from the viewfinder. It is true I maybe should delete some because I don`t really use them much, but because they are on the button it is not really an issue, as for what is best for what scene or subject the answer comes as you learn the camera
I have them all selected, but focus points set to a button and just scroll through them in split secs while shooting, I don`t even need to remove my eye from the viewfinder. It is true I maybe should delete some because I don`t really use them much, but because they are on the button it is not really an issue, as for what is best for what scene or subject the answer comes as you learn the camera
Thank you Gary.