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Free Member January 2024 Competition - Landscapes

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Tim Mayo

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Mar 1, 2020
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United Kingdom
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Congratulations to @Loke for winning last months competition with his beautiful lepista nuda mushroom shot. Your membership has been upgraded to Site Supporter (Formerly called Pro) for the next 6 months. You can now enter our Site Supporter Monthly Competitions.

Of course a big thanks to everyone who took part although the number of entries were again very disappointing.

January's competition and our first one of 2024 now gets underway.

Competition Theme

Competition Dates
Entries start: The date that this post is published.
Entries end: January 20th at 3am Eastern Time (9am GMT)
Voting starts: January 20th at 3am Eastern Time (9am GMT)
Voting ends: January 27th at 3am Eastern Time (9am GMT)

Shot Taken Date (Update)
Only submit images taken during the current and previous month, so December 2023 and January 2024. The date must be included in the image metadata.

What Do I Get if I Win?
The first place winner will receive a 6 month Site Supporter Membership to our forum. Please see here for the benefits.

In the event of a draw the entry date will be extended but not past the last day of the month. If there are still equal votes for 1st then each entry will be a winner.

How to Enter + Rules
  1. Simply post your entry below (you might need to scroll down). Please insert the image as full-size rather than a thumbnail so that the metadata displays underneath the image.
  2. Sony cameras only. Camera metadata must be included in the images to verify.
  3. Only submit images taken in the current and previous month, so December 2023 and January 2024. The date must be included in the image metadata.
  4. Only one photo entry per member.
  5. Keep the photos clean and family friendly.
  6. Please don't use sky replacements or AI image generation.
How to Vote (when voting opens)
  1. Use the vote button (up arrow) to the right of the post (below post on mobile) to vote up images that you like
  2. You can vote on as many images as you like apart from your own
I'd really appreciate feedback about how the competition is running but please don't post it in this thread. Instead please post any feedback in this thread in the Feedback Forum.

Thank you for participating and good luck!
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_A7R8656 2.jpg
  • ILCE-7RM2
  • FE 12-24mm F2.8 GM
  • 24.0 mm
  • ƒ/11
  • 10 sec
  • ISO 100
  • Thread starter
  • Admin
  • #2
Please note the rules folks.
  1. Sony cameras only. Camera metadata must be included in the images to verify.
  2. Only submit images taken in the previous and current month (Dec 2023 + Jan 2024). The date must be included in the image metadata.
  3. Only one photo entry per member.
  4. Keep the photos clean and family friendly.
  5. Please don't use sky replacements or AI image generation.
  6. Free Site Members only here. Site Supporters can enter our Site Supporter Competitions.
Thank you! :)
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  • Thread starter
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  • #4
And I thought we might go the whole month without a single entry! Thanks for being brave and submitting the first shot this month Angus!
Upvote 0
Late autumn colours at Villa Borghese, Rome. Shot on December 8th, 2023.

A7C02414_1 (3).jpg
  • ILCE-7C
  • FE 40mm F2.5 G
  • 40.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.5
  • 1/2500 sec
  • ISO 100
Upvote 3
  • Thread starter
  • Admin
  • #6
Thanks for entering @Angus Cameron and @alexpler . It's another disappointing turnout unfortunately but votes are now open so let the best shot win! Next month this competition will be merged with the site supporters competition.
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