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Have you ever done this or wondered about what happen if you did, or have you done something worse?


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Oct 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
So I went for a quick walk yesterday morning the light was rubbish and the its been raining endlessly here in the uk for ever, so I wasn`t really thinking of going so I grabbed the camera and stuffed bits in my pockets I might need. Walk was a waste of time mud and standing water, so the order was from the boss on my return your not coming in that state leave boots outside and get your clothes in the washer now, which meant muddy jeans and outer layer off before being allowed in. Fine checked pockets removed items, clothes in washer turned on on my own! shower. while in the shower it dawned on me I had left 2 part full memory cards in a small pocket in my jeans which had done a full wash and rinse and spin cycle with all the detergent and crap the wife adds, oh sh*t. So I emptied washer and one card was in the drum it was micro sd so the adaptor and card had parted ways that was a scandisk 64 g the other card was more of an issue to find, finally it was grabbed from between the drum and seal with tweezers, that was a kingston micro sd 64g adaptor and micro card still as one. A quick wipe down and left to dry for a hour, then I tried them in the reader, all good both work perfectly having spent a hour or so being battered in the washing machine and spun at 1400 rpm twice, the cards are not high value it was the images on them that mattered so all good. so have you done something stupid without thinking, and how did it turn out? oh just so you know images did not come out any cleaner :)
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Sorry you have been having a spell of poor weather to shoot in; that's frustrating. Thanks for sharing your story. It's good to know they can tolerate that kind of abuse and still work!
My biggest photographic cock up was not packing a battery charger on a trip of a lifetime into the Antarctic circle.

Luckily, I met a delightful lady from Canada who was happy to charge my batteries for me overnight.

I've just reread that and realise how it sounds. I was with my wife on the boat, and my behaviour as befits all English gentlemen was impeccable.
I've left my wallet in my jeans and washed & dried them and discovered one credit card had delaminated.
Photo-related, my early days of taking pictures at sea in the kayak usually ended with me coming home tired to the bone and all my wet, salty gear sitting in a pile for a few hours. Well, unfortunately that included an Olympus tough gear point and shoot. The battery door had already started to show sign of corrosion, but the internals were still dry and the camera worked fine for many years with this kind of abuse. I'm almost tempted to buy another when I get back into kayaking.
I've left my wallet in my jeans and washed & dried them and discovered one credit card had delaminated.
Photo-related, my early days of taking pictures at sea in the kayak usually ended with me coming home tired to the bone and all my wet, salty gear sitting in a pile for a few hours. Well, unfortunately that included an Olympus tough gear point and shoot. The battery door had already started to show sign of corrosion, but the internals were still dry and the camera worked fine for many years with this kind of abuse. I'm almost tempted to buy another when I get back into kayaking.
Well Chris I have often washed my wallet as well somewhat less of an issue now in terms of bank notes since ours in the uk are made of some plastic type material now
Can nearly match your pain. My Sony a 1 became detached from my 200-600 m lens and fell onto the road….currently at Sony being repaired at £1500
That is really not good luck at all:(
Well Chris I have often washed my wallet as well somewhat less of an issue now in terms of bank notes since ours in the uk are made of some plastic type material now
I noticed that last time I went across the pond, very different look and feel to UK currency now and a lot more modern.
Left my ear protection in my pocket after a trip to the track. Wife washed, I found the rubber parts, but the insert portions that have the compression valves were gone.

Since it was a photo event, Does it count toward photography stupidity?

I'm at home taking it easy after cataract surgery in my left eye. I'm pretty sure if I spend some of this time thinking about it I can come up with a plethora of stupid things I've done. I'm pretty good at it.
yep qualifies ;) for sure. kind of cool that you can wash your memory cards and they still work, although I guess I could have just got lucky. All the best Tim(y)
Nothing really like that of the photographic nature*, but I see I am not the only money launderer here!

It was quite amusing to see it hung out to dry on the line above the bath.

*But I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Nothing really like that of the photographic nature*, but I see I am not the only money launderer here!

It was quite amusing to see it hung out to dry on the line above the bath.

*But I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

You realise that we are all going to be investigated by our governments now that you've accused us of money laundering?

BTW: Australia was the first to introduce "polymer" banknotes (we've been using them since 1988), and apparently they are now used in 50 countries around the world. https://www.noteprinting.com/history#:~:text=In 1987, the RBA paid,on more than 150 denominations.

The polymer notes are pretty much immune to being washed, but I would be wary about putting them in a tumble dryer set to HOT. Not curious enough to try the experiment - the smallest note we have at the moment is a A$5 bill.

I haven't washed a memory card yet, but I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time.

Someone I worked with washed his phone. That was an expensive mistake. This was about 15 years ago - the phone did not survive. I don't know if some of the new IP67 rated models might.
I accidentally left an SD card in a pocket that was then laundered as well, but the worst was when my passport ended up in the wash while we were visiting my in-laws. It came out barely legible, luckily this was pre 9/11. It took some talking and additional identifying ID but I was able to get on my flight 3 days later, and also allowed back into Australia.
I can verify that at least my Sony Tough SD Card can survive a washer and dryer cycle, it seems my pant pockets hold onto contents a little better than others.

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