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May 20, 2024
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Jim Colmenero
I just bumped into your community and glad for it. I live in Montreal, Quebec so very cold weather in Winter. It's thing here, your equipment must always be warm and impervious to the elements (snow, ice, salt, mush). To be honest, I haven't touched photography in 40 years . As a lad, I took a whole lot of courses in "analog" photography until I graduated as a Civil Engineer with little time to spend on my "hobby". Upon retirement, about 3 weeks ago, I finally bit the bullet and purchased a Sony A7R5 with tons of Sony glass, and accompanying paraphernalia . So I hooked it up, turned it on and .. what the hell..😯 I had no idea what I'm looking at. Okay, I am a bit over my head here. So I quickly purchased the book "The Friedman Archives Guide to Sony's A7R V" hoping it will enlighten me on this journey. I'm sure I will end up asking the members of this wonderful community for help but I promise to keep it short and sweet. Cheers to all :)
Welcome to the forum, you certainly dove in with a great camera!
Bonjour, bienvenue, how do you rate poutine? I need to know before I stick my waders in.
Poutine, well it's actually a side dish but everyone just fills up with it. French fries, cheese curds and sauce plus a ton of variations. It's filling and perfect for Fall and Winter weather (adding that extra coat of insulation against the big freeze).
Poutine, well it's actually a side dish but everyone just fills up with it. French fries, cheese curds and sauce plus a ton of variations. It's filling and perfect for Fall and Winter weather (adding that extra coat of insulation against the big freeze).
OK, is very nice.
Welcome onboard Jim and thanks for joining! If you have any questions about your new camera or this forum please don't hesitate to ask.
Welcome to the forum! New gear can feel overwhelming but by reading that guidebook and practising a lot you will get the hang of it! Enjoy your new hobby.

New in Marketplace
