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Hello from the Midwest


Dec 23, 2022
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Lynn Rennert
Greetings everyone,
I feel I have found a great place to land!! I have been shooting with a Sony camera since 2012. I began with the A55 moved on to the A77 then A77ii and 3 years ago went full frame with A7iii. I love all facets of photography. But I love MACRO and Wildlife. Much of the photography that I do pertains to living in/on 23 acres of Wetlands. No matter what time of year there are endless opportunities to discover.
This past summer I became a certified Naturalist for the state of Wisconsin, photography was the format I used for my certification final.
By no means am I qualified instructor but because of my love of nature and photography I have had the privilege of guiding some groups to MACRO photography and wetlands. I so enjoy sharing these 2 passions with others.
I just received a new lens for Christmas (well I am not allowed to use it until Christmas morning) I am thrilled to replace my Tamron 150-600 (which needed the adaptor which often would not work...I had to constantly re-establish the connection and often the AF capabilities failed to work. So, I now will have the Tamron 150-500 which is also 1:3 for MACRO.
This will be a great new lens for all wildlife, but I'm thrilled to have this for insects!! We get a lot of butterflies and dragonflies that are extremely FAST and I need something that can keep up with them in flight!!
We also have 3 grandchildren and I am pleased to report that the 2 oldest are LOVING photography and do an amazing job with MACRO photography. They use my A77 and A77ii which they have deemed their own!! The youngest is 5 and runs around taking abstract images with a point and shoot!

I am very excited to be here in a place that I can learn and enjoy sharing this wonderful hobby and I look forward to real critique not just a like or a love emoji.
Thanks everyone
Welcome to the Forum Lynn. we look forward to seeing some images shot with the new lens. Merry Christmas.
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Welcome Lynn and thank you for joining up here and introducing yourself to us. Living on 23 acres of wetland sounds like a dream for a wildlife photographer! That's lovely to hear that your grandchildren have also picked up the photography bug and are putting your older gear to good use. Just let me know if you have any questions about the forum here and have a great start to 2023.

New in Marketplace
