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I mulled this over, took advice here, and eventually plumbed for the A7RV. For reference, UK.

1. Bought one S/H from mpb (not cheap, low shutter count).. saga below, but I do think they were scammed on this camera. To their credit, full reimbursement, paid for collection and refunded my postage. A hiccup (stuff happens) but they did right by me, customer service was as good as ever, and they remain a 5* operation in my mind.

2. Looked at the price from grey importers. Good price. In house warranty and was sorely tempted.

3. However, also called my local camera store, who have served me exceptionally well for many years. They offered me a brand new A7RV for ~ the same price as the S/H one. Not as cheap as Panamoz, but the difference was not so unpalatable.

4. Decided to go with a genuine UK body, which will have an added 12 months warranty from Sony, happy in having supported my local camera store.

Arrived yesterday. Sealed, brand new. The learning curve begins. I didn't think it would be possible for the Sony menu system to become more arcane! When this storm passes over, I will take it for its first outine.

Thanks for the advice everyone.
