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High action, low light, indoor soccer using Sony A7R4 with 135mm lens.


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Sep 19, 2021
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Don Marler
Greetings from Wichita, Kansas. I have been shooting for the Wichita Wings Indoor Soccer team for forty-two years. I took my Sony 7RM4 camera body with the Sony 135mm prime lens to team try outs for the 2022 season. The attached image was shot using Mark Galor's (Sony Ambassador from Australia) recommendations on settings for high action indoor sports. F2.8; shutter speed 1/2000; ISO 10,000 and at 135mm. I welcome suggestions on how I can improve my photos in the upcoming 2023 indoor soccer season. Shooter41
I too am a Patron of Mark Galer. It's pleasing to see an experienced photographer giving Kudos to Mark.. He has been very helpful for me. Also, you gotta love that 135 G Master! Great shot Don!
I too am a Patron of Mark Galer. It's pleasing to see an experienced photographer giving Kudos to Mark.. He has been very helpful for me. Also, you gotta love that 135 G Master! Great shot Don!
Thanks, Jeff!
I find the 135 G master lens is quite a bit lighter than my Sony 70-200mm Telephoto lens, so I have been using the 135mm lens recently after my open-heart surgery for 6 hours due to being too weak to hand hold the zoom lens for two hours. I put the 135mm on a monopod to let it handle the weight and can still shoot the entire game. I was surprised that the 135mm lens had such good glass that I can crop images over 100 feet across the pitch of the players on the bench and they are still excellent and ready for publication. As I get stronger in recovery, I will go back to the 70-200mm zoom lens due to it's unique flexibility when I switch from shooting penalty kicks at the far end of the pitch to players battling tor the ball, coming right at me and too close for the 135mm lens to be able to focus. I love Sony's Alpha cameras and master lenses. Shooter41

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