Birds Many thanks to Garuda (Mike)


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Aug 9, 2020
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Ralph Ernesti
CC Welcome
  1. Yes
With the help of the this great bloke Mike I might still be in the dark ages.
I know it's up from here and these shot posted will get better as I get more comfortable with the Sony A7ii.
But this is the most pleased about my shot with the camera as my delete rate dropped by heaps.

You sometime we just need to say thank you to people who go out of their way and offer up help
and their knowledge for nothing. Many just say thank you but there is nothing behind it.
I know my shot would not be half as good as if it wasn't for him.
So thank you and here are a few shot which I think have got me on the right track.
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (48).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/60 sec
  • ISO 100
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (94).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 100
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (237).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/125 sec
  • ISO 100
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (262).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 263.5 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/125 sec
  • ISO 100
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (371).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/30 sec
  • ISO 100
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (489).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 400.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/200 sec
  • ISO 100
A7ii Sony 7-07-2021 (675).JPG
  • ILCE-7M2
  • 100-400mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS | Contemporary 020
  • 261.9 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 400
Thank you for your kind words Ralph, it is obvious that they come from your heart. And you are entirely welcome.

These are great shots.... keep up the good work and they will continue to get better and better. :)
Excellent shots
Thanks for that as in all honesty that all helps.
My biggest bug bear, with any forum or more so Facebook group, is complete lack of appreciation of peoples work. It doesn't take much to like and comment if you appreciate the photos. This is especially more important when someone like yourself has overcome some issues and produced worthy work.
My biggest bug bear, with any forum or more so Facebook group, is complete lack of appreciation of peoples work. It doesn't take much to like and comment if you appreciate the photos. This is especially more important when someone like yourself has overcome some issues and produced worthy work.
Keriano this is the way of the world these days everyone is only out to get what they can.
But at the same time wonder why other people do the same to them.
I know our local bird group people give credit to some and nothing to others who actually post better shots.
Thats one part I can't understand.

I love being here as I like the honesty which was lost once disgracebook started.
Tell me the truth so I can improve and not tell me great shot even when I have put down its not the best shot.
It's far to kiss arse (I hope I can say that) over there.
Work on a forum where people like you are real people and I fully apprecitea this fact far more than most will know.
I know our local bird group people give credit to some and nothing to others who actually post better shots.
Thats one part I can't understand.
This is something I cannot fathom either, yet I see it all of the time. Do people feel sorry for the poster or something? I actually don't think it's helpful to say great shot when it's clearly not. I've seen that on shots that are out of focus, or terribly under/overexposed. It's weird. That said, the person posting should also be able to spot if it's good or not, and then not post it. I won't post anything unless I think it's spot on, or unless it's purely a record shot of something rare.
This is something I cannot fathom either, yet I see it all of the time. Do people feel sorry for the poster or something? I actually don't think it's helpful to say great shot when it's clearly not. I've seen that on shots that are out of focus, or terribly under/overexposed. It's weird. That said, the person posting should also be able to spot if it's good or not, and then not post it. I won't post anything unless I think it's spot on, or unless it's purely a record shot of something rare.
In my group it as I see it is you have to be on the inner circle to be able to get the comments and likes.
And or (A big sorry here) you have bumps that are in the front of you. I am being totally honest here.
I ham making moves to get off this page even thought I am a member and go on most of the outing with everyone.
People even ask where am I if I don't turn up for the outings, so figure that one out.

I have a friend who actually me and him go out birding together.
He has posted some of the worse shots. I have tried to talk to him about it but he told me he has come on up through the film days.
So who am I to tell anyone with so much more experience than me.
But I will admit to he is getting some good shots here and there,
But these females post up black blobs and get 14 or so likes and great comments, which is far more than the 3 or 5 I would get.
So I just wonder why put in the effort there. I will not no more.

Some people never comment or like what I have posted. But then I will get a bird which only about 3 other people have seen.
Then these people are the 1st ones to ask where did I get that bird and what time was it .
I ususlly don't reply or get them an area way off from the spot.
I know this isn't the right thing to do but I have had it with them as it has happen quite a few time.

Well Kevriano it seems as we have run into the same sort of people.
And had the same sort of dealings. So it doesn't feel wrong telling this as it feel like you have been there and done this as well.
Thanks for your time mate.
In my group it as I see it is you have to be on the inner circle to be able to get the comments and likes.
And or (A big sorry here) you have bumps that are in the front of you. I am being totally honest here.
I ham making moves to get off this page even thought I am a member and go on most of the outing with everyone.
People even ask where am I if I don't turn up for the outings, so figure that one out.

I have a friend who actually me and him go out birding together.
He has posted some of the worse shots. I have tried to talk to him about it but he told me he has come on up through the film days.
So who am I to tell anyone with so much more experience than me.
But I will admit to he is getting some good shots here and there,
But these females post up black blobs and get 14 or so likes and great comments, which is far more than the 3 or 5 I would get.
So I just wonder why put in the effort there. I will not no more.

Some people never comment or like what I have posted. But then I will get a bird which only about 3 other people have seen.
Then these people are the 1st ones to ask where did I get that bird and what time was it .
I ususlly don't reply or get them an area way off from the spot.
I know this isn't the right thing to do but I have had it with them as it has happen quite a few time.

Well Kevriano it seems as we have run into the same sort of people.
And had the same sort of dealings. So it doesn't feel wrong telling this as it feel like you have been there and done this as well.
Thanks for your time mate.
It's exactly that, and even on Tim's Facebook groups, unless you are an American or own the most expensive gear, you barely get a look in, a like, a comment or anything. It's a strange phenomenon.
..... on Tim's Facebook groups....

Now you've got me curious. I'm going to show my ignorance here w this question, but I'm being serious and curious. I choose not to join/register on Facebook (FB). I only know what I hear or rarely read on internet about FB.

So, what is the difference betw this forum here (threads, posts, tutorials, gallery, etc) and Tim's Facebook groups. Is it like this forum format? Is it more social conversations? More sharing personal stuff? Sounds like they post pics also; seems redundant. Why join the Groups when this forum posts pics and addresses issues?

The normal Facebook format and agendas I have a good idea about. But not sure why Tim added FB groups to this forum... must be some differences?
Or should I wait for the movie?
Now you've got me curious. I'm going to show my ignorance here w this question, but I'm being serious and curious. I choose not to join/register on Facebook (FB). I only know what I hear or rarely read on internet about FB.

So, what is the difference betw this forum here (threads, posts, tutorials, gallery, etc) and Tim's Facebook groups. Is it like this forum format? Is it more social conversations? More sharing personal stuff? Sounds like they post pics also; seems redundant. Why join the Groups when this forum posts pics and addresses issues?

The normal Facebook format and agendas I have a good idea about. But not sure why Tim added FB groups to this forum... must be some differences?
Or should I wait for the movie?
I don't know about Tims facebook page I never even knew he had one connected to this.
I know I will steer clear of it.
But with facebook its a good think to keep in touch with family.
But when you are in you will join pages no matter what you say you will join up.
I am on mainly photo one and one with old bottles but that place is quite dead.

The one I am on with our local bird group is one where I mention about getting into the inner circle or the other part.
If you are not then you will hardly get a look in no matter how good your shots are.
The one who runs it will only ever comment on my posts is if I have mad a mistake in the name.
But never good shots or anything like this.

A forum on the other had a they use to be were you post a crap shot you were told.
No holding back no worries about your feelings as a forum was there to learn and to e told good shot on a sh*t shot would never happen.
I rather be told the truth as I want to improve and if it hurts my feelings I will get over it.
but todays entitled people are not like this they want a sweet along with nice words.
If you say its a bad shot you get told by more than one that we don't operate like this.

Stick with a forum why the truth is still allowed to be said well I think it is.
Facebook if you can stick to a few relevant pages to your liking and then don't have an opinion you should do okay.
I am in the bad side as I have an opinion and I get told that I am a dinosaur and that way of thinking went away a long time ago.
It didn't people just got too soft and can't handle the truth no more, and this is even some of my own family.
One I will no longer comment on because I am a male and she is a female.
That is the other bad thing about facebook the males are 2nd class people now.
And we should always agree with what many of the females are saying.
I don't and do I get slammed for it. I have even had to delete to full conversation
because the women wanted it to be only women. No joke.

So stick with family and a few pages of your liking and don't have an opinion and fcebook will be okay.
A forum is the old way but its the right way to go, but sadly they are losing the battle and being taken down cause
everyone has moved to facebook.

I only have a page so I can post my photo's. If I didn't have them I would not have facebook.
I hope this helps a little.
Thanks for feedback, Ralph, it helps. I'm assuming that you must be registered w FB to take a peek? I don't want to join, but rather I'm curious about what's different from this forum. And to get a flavor as to why people join — and I can only learn that by surfing a few times to see what it's like and what goes on.
Thanks for feedback, Ralph, it helps. I'm assuming that you must be registered w FB to take a peek? I don't want to join, but rather I'm curious about what's different from this forum. And to get a flavor as to why people join — and I can only learn that by surfing a few times to see what it's like and what goes on.
My personal opinion is if you want to keep in contact with old friends or family this is in all honesty one of the best ways to do that.
In FB (facebook) the is a thing called private message. Now I think this is really good also as you can chat to those people for nothing and yes all typed but you are in contact with this in real time.

And yes sadly the only way you can see is by joining. But as I said I use this more for my photo's.
I have a page just for my photo's and no one else's. People can like and comment but one rule I made was not for other people to post their photos.
There are heaps of places for them to do that even their own page.

With the photos you can do what is called tag people and this will send them an alert that they have been tagged in a photo or any other thing.
Like for me I can tag brothers of photo's taken on my Grandkids or the dog .

So these are a few of the good things about it. There could be more but I just can't think of them at the moment.
But lets say you join up, and while on your computer you start to do some research on Jeeps. (thats what I have got)
Well very soon you will see advetising about car. This goes for camera's if you have been looking them up.
So its connected to outside things as this is how that people who owns it makes his money I think.
As it happen way too often when you have been searching to when you start to get things advertising those things.
This I think can be a downside to it.

So you do have to weight it up and see if its really for you or not. If I didn't have my photo's I would not have the thing at all.
But its a free way to show your friends who you have to invite to join your page.
I only have 77 friends and in there I think I have 3 that I really done know.. But the rest I know and invited.
I have seen people with well over 2000 friends and I bet they don't kno a quarter of them.
Again I hope this has helped a little.
Thank you so much for your insights. I don't have family, so no advantage there. And the other things you mention I'm not keen on because I get way too many unsolicited ads and unwanted alerts already when merely doing research on web. I'm not in need of the social aspect. I get enough interaction here on this forum. It sounds like Tim's FB is pretty much the same as the regular FB.

And thanks for sharing some details. I think I know enough now to be happy w remaining here only. Thanks for your candor. Plus, I think I have every on this forum fooled. I don't think they have any idea that I use my cell phone to take snapshots of the pages in National Geographic Magazine and post them here as my own. ;)

And you can like tell, I try not to take life too seriously when not necessary, and enjoy kidding around a little with my half-witted wit. Thanks again for your help on FB info. It is appreciated.
Thank you so much for your insights. I don't have family, so no advantage there. And the other things you mention I'm not keen on because I get way too many unsolicited ads and unwanted alerts already when merely doing research on web. I'm not in need of the social aspect. I get enough interaction here on this forum. It sounds like Tim's FB is pretty much the same as the regular FB.

And thanks for sharing some details. I think I know enough now to be happy w remaining here only. Thanks for your candor. Plus, I think I have every on this forum fooled. I don't think they have any idea that I use my cell phone to take snapshots of the pages in National Geographic Magazine and post them here as my own. ;)

And you can like tell, I try not to take life too seriously when not necessary, and enjoy kidding around a little with my half-witted wit. Thanks again for your help on FB info. It is appreciated.
For someone who went out of there way to help me I feel its the right thing to do.
I would feel like an absolute heels not to try to give a little back.

As for acting a fool I think is the only way me and the wife got through my back. We had doors slammed in our faces and it was just our dumb jokes that got us through.
So I think do it and stuff anyone if they think you are being a fool. Living isn't just about being serious.
Leave that to the doctors and wife.
All the best mate and if at any time you need a family you can be one of us.
All the best and look after yourself.
The Facebook groups(s) are a way for people to share their work and advice, much like this, but in a more open and direct way, as anyone in the group can see it. The problem with it is there are some right wankspanners on the groups, people you wouldn't want to associate with, and the snobbishness from some people with more money than should be allowed is staggering. It's a very cliquey page, as Ralph has noted on pages he is on. I no longer n=bother posting on the FB pages, but I stay on because there are some fabulous photos posted at times.
As with Ralph, I really use it to stay in touch with friends, as all of my friends are distant from me in terms of locations, and so it's a good medium for that. I have fallen foul of certain things in the past though, so literally post a photo each day on my own page, and put the iodd comment about stuff here and there. Generally it's a pretty crappy place overall, but it is really the best way to keep in touch with distant friends in this day and age.
I much prefer the forum format by the way, I met many of my friends through the music forums of old.
The Facebook groups(s) are a way for people to share their work and advice, much like this, but in a more open and direct way, as anyone in the group can see it. The problem with it is there are some right wankspanners on the groups, people you wouldn't want to associate with, and the snobbishness from some people with more money than should be allowed is staggering. It's a very cliquey page, as Ralph has noted on pages he is on. I no longer n=bother posting on the FB pages, but I stay on because there are some fabulous photos posted at times.
As with Ralph, I really use it to stay in touch with friends, as all of my friends are distant from me in terms of locations, and so it's a good medium for that. I have fallen foul of certain things in the past though, so literally post a photo each day on my own page, and put the iodd comment about stuff here and there. Generally it's a pretty crappy place overall, but it is really the best way to keep in touch with distant friends in this day and age.
I much prefer the forum format by the way, I met many of my friends through the music forums of old.
I knew there would be things I would forget and, so thanks for bring them to light.
I am going to just do my post and stick with the few photo pages I am on.
I am only keeping it open for photos as I am sick of the whole thing.
Forums are what were about when I started in photography and it almost stopped me from going on.
As the comments were overly harsh. But I put that behind me and then things began to fall into place.

Still I think on some forums you still need to hit the inner circle but this is just life
But in many case back then they still told you what you were doing wrong
So well done for your extra bit.
The Facebook groups(s) are a way for people to share their work and advice, much like this, but in a more open and direct way, as anyone in the group can see it.... Generally it's a pretty crappy place overall, but it is really the best way to keep in touch with distant friends in this day and age.
I much prefer the forum format by the way, I met many of my friends through the music forums of old.

Thanks to both of you, Kev and Ralph, for sharing the truth — both well said I think. Because I’ve heard similar reports about Facebook in general and I too have had too many interactions w unsavory people who just don’t quite “get it.” It’s sad how dysfunctional and delusional some people came become. On some occasions I could justifiably classify some people’s thinking and behaviors as pathological.

Sometimes they develop arrogance, hubris, entitlement and a host of other delusional traits that they are totally unwitting of, but other people notice it immediately. Sad…sad! All I know is to avoid contact w them whenever possible. One of the several reasons I avoid Facebook and the host of many other social media networks that tend to lead some people away from the natural unfolding path of awakening. The spiritual gurus tend to think it will get worse before getting better. Sometimes…. Sometimes I must admit that I like the presence of animals better than some people.

Enough psycho-babble about things we can’t change (much). The saving grace is the fact that there are still a lot of people like you and Ralph who are both privy to the current climate of the moral fabric of society, and yet still shoot from the heart and don’t allow the widespread social dysfunction of a few people take you down that rabbit hole. Thanks to both of you, and the many others on this forum.