Merry Christmas & Happy Hew Year.


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Aug 9, 2020
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Ralph Ernesti
CC Welcome
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To everyone here and thanks for your understanding. Thing's are slowly mending but still not up to a full 100%.


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Merry Christmas to you and yours Ralph. Hope the recovery is quick. Enjoy the 40 degree heat out there!
Merry Christmas to you and yours Ralph. Hope the recovery is quick. Enjoy the 40 degree heat out there!
It only made it to 37 today so not too bad.
Dang we are looking forward to a wonderful 84 f on Christmas Day. Where did winter go?
We don't know anything but hot days for Christmas. A White Christmas would be so strange for us to see. I would be lost with it around the other way. But I will admit to some Christmas's where it has been over 45 degree which is 113 in your temps is way too hot to do anything. So the air-conditioner gets a workout. Hope you have a good one this year. Ours is a late start as our Granddaughter is working till midday then we start.
Enjoy it when you get there! Hope the air-conditioning is working too!
Enjoy it when you get there! Hope the air-conditioning is working too!
All went well and I was hoping to get any 150 or 200/600mm lens but not this year.
I did get a Garmin 65S GPSMAP as here it is very flat and every tree looks like the last one and I have got myself lost a few times.
So A quick test once it cooled down just before sunset I done a test run and it got me right back to my front door.
So more than happy as if you are lost you don't worry about photo's, so lets hope its a thing of the past now.
Thanks for your Christmas wishes Ralph. I hope you've had a good Christmas despite your health at present. You are already doing a great job with your current setup, that 200-600 is not going anywhere! :)
Thanks for your Christmas wishes Ralph. I hope you've had a good Christmas despite your health at present. You are already doing a great job with your current setup, that 200-600 is not going anywhere! :)
Thank for your words of encouragement and believe me this really means a lot and fully listened to.