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Unframed Dave

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Pro Member
Jun 7, 2022
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Hi, I'm Dave from Norfolk in the UK.

I got into film photography at school, our art teacher was an enthusiast and managed to secure the funding for a darkroom and two Praktika mtl50's.

After school I bought my first olympus, an om40. I then graduated through to an om2sp. In my view zuiko lenses were at the top of the tree at a consumer level at the time.

When digital first became popular, I dropped out and the rest of the family started taking the snaps. After a decade off, I bought my first nikon, a d7000 if memory serves me well. Up until recently, I've been shooting mainly a d500 for wildlife with a d850 for landscapes.

Recently I've had old age set in and the weight has just become too much. My wife bought an A6400 which thoroughly impressed me, accordingly I've purchased a secondhand 6600 (can't get a new one in the UK presently). I'm currently waiting for a GM 100 - 400 to turn up.

It looks like my nikon will be going up for sale.

Other hobbies, along with my wife, I run a bell target shooting club, have a pair of dogs, a fifty year old wooden Broads cruiser and collect many things including vintage cameras. I have around two hundred cameras, everything from glorious mahogany plate cameras, to classic blads. We both retired early to travel and snap the world, plans have obviously been put on hold, but I managed to see 49 countries before I turned 50.

Sorry for the protracted waffle, but that's me.
Welcome. Nice to have another Norfolk member (though I only moved here last September)
Welcome Dave!
The light weight of the APSC lineup is a true benefit. Have you seen the new Sony 10-20mm? its only f4, but its one of their new crop of lenses that favors compact and lightweight design.

Also, I've always been curious about the a6600: I love my a6400 but always wonder how it feels to use the a6600? worth the upgrade?
Welcome Dave!
The light weight of the APSC lineup is a true benefit. Have you seen the new Sony 10-20mm? its only f4, but its one of their new crop of lenses that favors compact and lightweight design.

Also, I've always been curious about the a6600: I love my a6400 but always wonder how it feels to use the a6600? worth the upgrade?
I bought the 6600 rather than the 6400 primarily because of the customisable buttons. I've become used to altering the majority of settings from the camera body rather than the menu. The other two features are the in body stabilisation and the larger capacity battery. In my hands it feels more steady than the 6400 but my wife disagrees. Weight difference is minimal, but the chunkier grip suits me.
Welcome Dave and thank you for joining up here and introducing yourself. Two hundred cameras is definitely a very nice collection! Do you have a photo of these all together? 49 countries is good going! Have you already decided where the 50th will be?
  • JSN-L21
  • 5.4 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 30000000/1000000000 sec
  • ISO 200
  • JSN-L21
  • 5.4 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 30000000/1000000000 sec
  • ISO 200
  • JSN-L21
  • 5.4 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 30000000/1000000000 sec
  • ISO 200

Here they are. Apologies for the dust and the cobwebs, they really are a proper pain to dust. The room is a Georgian wig room. The left hand shelf has a bunch of OM stuff on it which were mine during the eighties and early nineties. Somewhere in amongst them is a Praktika mtl5, the camera I first used at school. The whole lot represents 30 years of collecting. I rarely add any these days, but if I do, it's a one in, one out scenario. Usually an upgrade of a run of the mill camera for something a bit shinier.

I'm passed the fiftieth country now, but over the last two years we've had trips to Japan and Indonesia cancelled, these are both rescheduled for 2023.
Wow. What a fantastic collection! I can certainly imagine keeping them dust free is a challenge! You could open a camera museum with everything you have here Dave! :)

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