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Sony A1 Sanity Check: Are some Alpha 1 settings NOT specific to custom (or normal) shooting modes?


Well Known Member
Jun 14, 2022
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David Perez
I'm looking for a sanity check. Alpha 1, firmware 1.31.

I’ve gone through the setup on the camera enough times that I generally have things configured the way I like. But, every so often I read something or see something on a video that gives me an idea for a minor change.

I have custom modes 1, 2 and 3 set up for different things – 1 is aperture priority and “general”. 2 is manual and for “birds”.

I recently read that unless you’re DOING something with a network, putting the camera in airplane mode is a good idea. Saves battery. While in Custom Mode 2 I went into Network and turned airplane mode on. Changed shooting mode to Custom Mode 1, recalled the specific settings for it, and it ALSO has airplane mode on. As does Manual mode and Aperture mode. I figured airplane mode must be unique and it ISN'T shooting mode specific - ok, no big deal. Ignore that one!

But, I'm getting the same thing with Finder Frame Rate.

For birds (custom mode 2), I want the Setup>Finder/Monitor>Finder Frame Rate to “Higher”. The EVF size shrinks, but it’s supposed to have the least lag.
For general (custom mode 1), I DON’T want the Finder Frame Rate to “Higher”. I want it to Std so I have the best quality display.

In custom mode 2, I go into Setup>Finder/Monitor>Finder Frame Rate and set it to higher (Hi+). The EVF shrinks. DON’T go into shooting >shooting mode>Camera Set Memory. So I haven’t saved the change to custom mode 2. Or anything else as far as I know.

Switch to custom mode 1 and recall the settings specifically for it. It ALSO has the shrunken screen and when I go into the “Fn” screen it’s ALSO showing Finder Frame Rate “Hi+”.
Change it back to “Std”. Go to Shooting>Shooting Mode>Camera Set Memory and SAVE it to Custom Mode 1. It SAYS "Registered". So even if I change it in some other mode, custom or otherwise, Custom Mode 1 should always have Finder Frame Rate set to “Std”, right?

Go BACK to Custom Mode 2, recall the settings and it ALSO has Finder Frame Rate “Std” (which I believe it should be since I DIDN’T save the change last time.) Change Finder Frame Rate to Higher (Hi+”), go to Shooting>Shooting Mode>Camera Set Memory and SAVE it to Custom Mode 2. It says "Registered". So Custom Mode 1 now has it specifically set to Std and Custom Mode 2 has it set to Higher (Hi+).

Switch to custom mode 1, recall the settings, and Finder Frame Rate is back to Higher.

I've gone back and forth several times, and it appears that if I change the Finder Frame Rate it changes for ALL the shooting modes - 1, 2, M, A...

SHOULD this be happening, and if it shouldn't, WHAT do I have messed up?
In custom 2 I’m set up for BIF. I want the display rate at Hi+ (I’ve watched and read a couple things that said this guaranteed the absolute minimum lag in the EVF. Go into the menu and set that. Go to Shooting>??? And to a set camera??? Switch from 2 to 1 and do a recall camera setting…
As far as I understand this, with the A1, the Finder Frame Rate setting is global and not stored with settings in the shooting mode 1, 2, 3 memories. My A1 is operating like yours.

To deal with this, I've put the Finder Frame Rate selection in my Fn Menu so I can switch quickly without having to go through the menus.

I recall finding this out in one of Mark Galer's videos. I'm sorry - I've just flashed through several of them, but I can't find where he discusses this.
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Yeah, I've watched several too... At least if it IS global I"m not losing my mind (at least about this)! That seems like a bizarre thing NOT to have specific to the shooting mode - in one case you want the fastest refresh possible (birds), and in another you want a completely DIFFERENT setting to provide improved quality. Which seems like exactly the point of HAVING the different custom shooting modes.
Yeah, I've watched several too... At least if it IS global I"m not losing my mind (at least about this)! That seems like a bizarre thing NOT to have specific to the shooting mode - in one case you want the fastest refresh possible (birds), and in another you want a completely DIFFERENT setting to provide improved quality. Which seems like exactly the point of HAVING the different custom shooting modes.
David, I found that reference where Mark Galer points out that the settings in orange are NOT saved by the custom memory settings on the Alpha 1

Galer Action Settings.jpg
He explains this in his video starting at 10:21

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