Sony’s inaugural Scene Tradeshow

Richard A

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Jan 29, 2024
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Richard Allan
Adelaide, South Australia
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I just got a ticket to Sony’s inaugural Scene Tradeshow at the old White Bay Power Station in Sydney on September 28.

Sony Scene Tradeshow

Should be interesting...
Wow. That looks cool! I thought that kind of event would be invitation only.
Sadly, it’s Sydney only - not visiting the rest of the country.

Enjoy, Richard!
Yes. Just lucky for me I'll be in Sydney. I leave on Friday. There is other stuff going on as well, some of it around the country I think. I don't know if there is anything you would be interested in. There was a free thing here on Sunday morning in the botanical gardens but I wasn't available unfortunately.
I’ve been to some of the other events, but they are regular Sony Scene events - this show looked like more. A friend of mine is going, so I expect to hear what I missed out on :-D Still, I’ll survive (unless they are handing out free lenses…)
Nice. It will either be really cool, or very dull!
I'm looking forward to it. It says they'll have a lot of gear to try out. Hopefully they'll have some models to photograph & stuff like that. Things like this rarely come to Adelaide so I thought I might as well make the most of it while I'm there. I'm going to be in Sydney for four weeks so this will be a good chance to get away from the wife for a whole day as well!
This is in the program:

  • Get hands on with every full frame lens currently available in Sony's line up, including the newly announced 85mm F1.4 II G Master, 300mm F2.8 G Master, 400mm F2.8 G Master, and 600mm F4 G Master.
Also, everyone gets a free sensor clean. Mine is still pristine so far though.