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Sony A7 IV Sony A7 IV Firmware Update v2.00

Tim Mayo

Pro Member
Pro Member
Mar 1, 2020
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United Kingdom
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  1. Yes
The latest firmware update for the Sony a7 IV is now version v2.00.

When updating from v1.01 or earlier, you need to update to v1.05 first before updating to v2.00. The install will fail if you try to update to v2.00 directly from v1.00 or v1.01.

If the access lamp repeats 5 long blinks (0.5sec. cycle) and 6 short blinks (0.25sec. cycle), the system software update failed. In this case, remove the battery and memory card from the camera, and start over.

Ver 2.00 adds the following benefits and improvements:
  1. Adds support for the Creators’ App
    The new Creators’ App mobile application is available to replace the Imaging Edge Mobile app. The Creators’ App allows you to transfer images from the camera to your smartphone, shoot remotely, and use various functions.
  2. Adds functions that improve security when connecting for remote shooting and image transferring with Creators’ App and Imaging Edge Desktop software
    Note: Please update the Imaging Edge Desktop software to the latest version (Ver.3.6 or later)
  3. Improves the operational stability of the camera
For customers who have been using Imaging Edge Mobile app:
  • Updated cameras will no longer be able to connect to Imaging Edge Mobile app. After updating the camera, install the Creators’ App.
  • Please make sure Imaging Edge Mobile app is the latest version (Ver.7.7.2 or later) in order to pair the camera with the Creators’ App.
  • If you are using an iPhone/iPad, after updating the camera, turn off the Phone/iPad and turn it on again. Then pair the camera with the Creators’ App.
If Imaging Edge Mobile app is not the latest version, update it before trying to pair the camera with the Creators’ App.

For instructions on installing and connecting the Creators’ App, please refer to Migrating from Imaging Edge Mobile app to Creators’ App.

Ver 1.05 Download Links
US Support Site
UK Support Site

Ver 2.00 Download Links
US Support Site
UK Support Site

Make sure you format your memory card after updating to 1.05 and downloading 2.00 to the card. It will also only work in memory card slot 1.

Further details and an install guide can be found in the blog article or the download links.

I’ll do it tomorrow when I’ve learnt how the early adopters have had a clear run. 😂
Could someone please confirm if the stacking focus functionality has been added?
Yeah. Yet another cloud storage option to add to Dropbox, iCloud, google drive, and my own cloud storage file servers. I won’t be subscribing, unless the app gives me compelling reasons to use it in preference to Lightroom, photoshop, photomechanic 6, luminar Neo, and apple photos app.

Why won’t these mini fiefdoms ever learn to share?
Currently at 31 minutes and it's still blinking.... I should have known better! 🤬
90 minutes and still blinking.... 🤬

Tell me again why I switched from Canon???
Ok. All done.

I’ve not noticed a single difference.
Maybe I should test the new app?
the new app transfers the heif file (maybe I have a setting wrong) and it is 5Mb size, straight to iPhone photos and thus iCloud. No probs.

I tried to upload to Sony cloud. It’s stuck, and the upload dialogue says “Pausing”. Maybe the server is overwhelmed with test images from annoying customers like me.
The update ran through a fully-charged battery last night. I popped another in and it finished up. Everything seems to be working ok, but I'll actually test it tonight.
Mine updated seemingly quite fast.

Any difference? Hmm, it seemed quite keen on keeping the green box on the kite, which with an 85mm lens was not overly large. And I don't remember if it did this before, but the normal green tracking box changed to the smaller square, like what you get with eye AF when it had followed the bird a while. Did it used to do that? It was too far away to be eye AF, besides it was set on fur, not feathers.

Mine updated twice, first to the v1.05 and finally to v2.0.
The update is a disappointment , the only major change is the cloud support.

This is the video I found for the update : https://youtu.be/1DJ6OCmwxaw

There is also a video in this channel about the Dji raveneye. Looks pretty interesting.
Someone already has one?

I also did the update - it took some time but everything went fine.
But I don't see any benefit besides the support of the new Creator's App.
No new features or improvements were added - I am disappointed.
I updated mine from v1.11 to v2.0 yesterday. Saved my settings to the card prior the upgrade. During the upgrade process, the red light kept flashing for almost 50min. The previous upgrades only took less than 10 min. I ended up pulling the battery, and the memory card out of the system. Turned off and turned it back on. It took another 5 min of red light flashing before it display the upgrade process is completed. It surely was a buggy firmware upgrade this time.
The update has provided the various compressed Raw options. Previously you could select RAW in RAW format. Now there is uncompressed RAW, plus three levels of compressed RAW involving various conditions of so called lossless format.

It’s not exactly clear to me if Lossless L raw contains the same extent of data that uncompressed RAW contains.

The other two lossless RAW formats hold no more data than jpg…. So I can’t see the point.
The update has provided the various compressed Raw options. Previously you could select RAW in RAW format. Now there is uncompressed RAW, plus three levels of compressed RAW involving various conditions of so called lossless format.

It’s not exactly clear to me if Lossless L raw contains the same extent of data that uncompressed RAW contains.

The other two lossless RAW formats hold no more data than jpg…. So I can’t see the point.
Check out this article by @Timothy Mayo for more insights about Lossless Raw
I have been told that there is little difference between Raw and Lossless Raw unless the shooter under exposes a bit, then the uncompressed Raw holds the advantage for pulling details out of the shadows in Post.
The latest firmware update for the Sony a7 IV is now version v2.00.

When updating from v1.01 or earlier, you need to update to v1.05 first before updating to v2.00. The install will fail if you try to update to v2.00 directly from v1.00 or v1.01.

If the access lamp repeats 5 long blinks (0.5sec. cycle) and 6 short blinks (0.25sec. cycle), the system software update failed. In this case, remove the battery and memory card from the camera, and start over.

Ver 2.00 adds the following benefits and improvements:
  1. Adds support for the Creators’ App
    The new Creators’ App mobile application is available to replace the Imaging Edge Mobile app. The Creators’ App allows you to transfer images from the camera to your smartphone, shoot remotely, and use various functions.
  2. Adds functions that improve security when connecting for remote shooting and image transferring with Creators’ App and Imaging Edge Desktop software
    Note: Please update the Imaging Edge Desktop software to the latest version (Ver.3.6 or later)
  3. Improves the operational stability of the camera
For customers who have been using Imaging Edge Mobile app:
  • Updated cameras will no longer be able to connect to Imaging Edge Mobile app. After updating the camera, install the Creators’ App.
  • Please make sure Imaging Edge Mobile app is the latest version (Ver.7.7.2 or later) in order to pair the camera with the Creators’ App.
  • If you are using an iPhone/iPad, after updating the camera, turn off the Phone/iPad and turn it on again. Then pair the camera with the Creators’ App.
If Imaging Edge Mobile app is not the latest version, update it before trying to pair the camera with the Creators’ App.

For instructions on installing and connecting the Creators’ App, please refer to Migrating from Imaging Edge Mobile app to Creators’ App.

Ver 1.05 Download Links
US Support Site
UK Support Site

Ver 2.00 Download Links
US Support Site
UK Support Site

Make sure you format your memory card after updating to 1.05 and downloading 2.00 to the card. It will also only work in memory card slot 1.

Further details and an install guide can be found in the blog article or the download links.

Decided not to update just yet, don't see the point. Can someone explain what is meant by 'improves operational stability' means? My camera seemed very stable before. Apart from this 'dubious' feature, there does not seem much point to the firmware update. This just seems like a very minor incremental upgrade to me, as someone developing technical software, I would expect something more subtantial for an upgrade from 1.x to 2.x. I would very much like to understand Sony reasoning concerning this 'upgrade'.
Can anyone report if the app connectivity with the creator app is better than edge. I find photo transfer as flaky as heck with the edge app.
Decided not to update just yet, don't see the point. Can someone explain what is meant by 'improves operational stability' means? My camera seemed very stable before. Apart from this 'dubious' feature, there does not seem much point to the firmware update. This just seems like a very minor incremental upgrade to me, as someone developing technical software, I would expect something more subtantial for an upgrade from 1.x to 2.x. I would very much like to understand Sony reasoning concerning this 'upgrade'.
Pretty much every firmware release from Sony includes: 'improves operational stability'. Canon normally says: 'Fixes minor issues.'. I guess they have their reasons for not sharing further details. One would certainly expect a little more for a 2.x release, no idea why they didn't just go with 1.20.
As I've said else where, from speaking to Canon and Nikon engineers, there is always things in firmware updates that they don't tell you about so always worth doing.
FYI: I just updated from version 1.1 to 2.0 and it completed in less than 5 minutes without problems.

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