what type of photography?


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Aug 18, 2020
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As the title says what is your go to type of photography?
I mainly do Portait and long exposure photography.
What I'm rubbish at is birds in flight:D
I was doing landscapes and macro then my back got too bad and a little bit of loss of interest I went to Birds.
I have been with this for the last few years and now wish this is where I started.
Doing bird photography for many years while I like all birds to photograph my favorite are wading birds egrets herons wood storks.


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I primarily do wildlife photography including macro , have the occasional dabble in landscape but always get distracted looking for birds and other wildlife when trying to shoot them.
My favorite type of photography is wildlife photography, especially the water birds and wading birds, but I'm not all that great at it yet. BIF is not my forte for sure, too, so I've kind of avoided that pretty much this spring and summer. I love walking around my area and being able to shoot the resident GBH and his fellow herons as well as the cormorants, ducks and geese. Once in a while I'll get a shot or two of one or more of the turtles which live in the lake as well. We used to have frogs but that population has been significantly decimated over the past several years and I suspect one reason is those herons......

I also love macro and tabletop photography, which is great for those times when the weather is lousy and one doesn't want to venture outside. Most of my macro photography and closeup images are of flowers and various objects rather than insects. When I bought my Sony gear back in November 2019 the number one lens on my list was the 90mm macro, and it remains one of my two top favorite lenses, the other being the 100-400mm that I purchased at the beginning of the summer. I shoot with my 200-600mm right from my deck with the lens on the tripod, but the 100-400mm goes walking around with me, a reason it has rapidly become a favorite lens.
I'm mostly a landscape/wildlife guy.

I just started dabbling in macro and I'm getting ready to dive down that rabbit hole.

I also do cars and other vehicles.

I tend to stay away from people for some reason.
I love travel/landscape photography as well as Astro, but being as I'm not travelling any time soon and I have a second kid on the way in a matter of days, I'm sticking to portrait/family photography! 😂😂😂
I'm mainly focusing on car and airshows, hopefully they have an airshow in our area that hasn't been cancelled yet.
nature, landscape and about to buy an ND filter to practice LE photography. Main passion is night sky, esp the auroras in the arctic
I like macro. Trying to learn more about lighting. It’s fun.


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Wildlife nowadays. It was always something I did alongside landscapes/seascapes, but since the dawn of digital and the bigger zooms at reasonable prices my focus has become wildlife full stop, with the odd dabble back to landscapes, for which I use my phone, because it's just so good at them and is easier than faffing about changes lenses, setting up tripods etc etc. I've recently sold all my Macro stuff too, I'm a bit too old to be grovelling around on the ground now. I can't get up :)
I love nature and wildlife for sure. But there is something about candid portraits that I really love. I don't enjoy "staged" shots as much but just trying to capture the
emotion of spontaneous moments is so much fun.
I love travel photography which means, landscape, street photography, portrait, food, macro...... :). That is what I love about it, a bit of everything.
my "Go to" photography is wildlife. I am not great at it, but I still enjoy the experience. I guess i'd consider myself a naturalist when it comes to my subjects - I like landscapes, macros of nature, wildlife and even captive animals (boo hissss) in the right circumstances. I know that is a bit of a polarizing subject - so I apologize if I ruffle any feathers, but frankly there are institutions out there that take good care of their animals and offer experiences to people that would otherwise not be able to have them - which is, in my mind at least, also beneficial to those species in the wild.
Just like my taste in music. Eclectic!
I love sports photography, I did few MMA fight photos and I love it, especially when the event is televised and lightning is perfect
I'm just getting my feet wet but in phtography but because I have a Commercial Drone license (and a drone) I would entertain Real Estate work. Right now I have a lot to learn and don't want to embarrass myself. Wildlife photography would be very interesting as well but a my age I'm afraid I would wind up being some critter's lunch. :cool:
Mostly outdoor photography, I cant say I have a set style at this point but I do aspire to "NOT" be a wedding photographer. :)
I go from one extreme to the other. I enjoy macro and wildlife/BIF photography. Sadly I'm not very good at either, LOL
wildlife for me and if I was good enough I would like to learn bird photography as it always shocks me how good many of the in flight bird shots are on this and other sites