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Smoke from wildfires in Quebec


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Aug 23, 2020
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Toronto, Ontario
I'm a bit behind in editing my photos, but here is a photo taken from my balcony in Toronto, Ontario facing West. More or less directly beneath the sun in the photo is Pearson International Airport.

Photo was taken on June 28th, around 8pm. That day we were hit with the second batch of wildfire smoke this year. The air quality at that day was the worst for any major city worldwide. Early morning you could already smell the burned pine trees and visibility at times was only a few hundred meters.

  • ILCE-6300
  • FE 35mm F1.4 GM
  • 35.0 mm
  • ƒ/11
  • 1/200 sec
  • ISO 100
Thanks for looking, Tim!
Looks like a scene from Bladerunner 2049, some post-apocalyptic vibes with that much smoke in the air.
Looks like a scene from Bladerunner 2049, some post-apocalyptic vibes with that much smoke in the air.
It does indeed! Those were a few strange days with the smell and lack of visibility..
Thank you, Clint!
Thanks, ST!
Thank you, Timothy!
Thank you, Alex!
Thanks, Jeff!
I'm a bit behind in editing my photos, but here is a photo taken from my balcony in Toronto, Ontario facing West. More or less directly beneath the sun in the photo is Pearson International Airport.

Photo was taken on June 28th, around 8pm. That day we were hit with the second batch of wildfire smoke this year. The air quality at that day was the worst for any major city worldwide. Early morning you could already smell the burned pine trees and visibility at times was only a few hundred meters.

View attachment 42788
For what it's worth, wanted to add this screenshot to the thread. I'm not sure whether it concerns the air quality at that time or as a mean of the day. Given the time difference it might not be an honest comparison between cities where one is at daytime and another is at night (=less air pollution from cars etc).


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