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False Praise.

Richard A

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Jan 29, 2024
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Richard Allan
Adelaide, South Australia
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  1. Yes
I was just looking at a forum that I used to visit and post on quite often but rarely look at now. There was a post by someone who had just bought a new body (new to them, purchased second hand) to accompany an even older body. I have to say that I don't have a problem with that at all. They had posted a number of pics they had taken with their new camera. They have been a member of the particular forum for about 5 years and made about 150 posts in that time. Everyone replying on the thread was praising them on how great all these photos were but I thought they were terrible. The subject matter and composition were quite ok in most cases but they were way over processed in the strangest way. You could tell that they were using some sort of HDR software but most were way too dark with crushed shadows but also completely blown out highlights. There were also some obvious, weird halos in amongst this.

So, what do you think about giving false praise like this? I know that some replying on the aforementioned thread are accomplished photographers who do nice work. I didn't reply myself.
I was just looking at a forum that I used to visit and post on quite often but rarely look at now. There was a post by someone who had just bought a new body (new to them, purchased second hand) to accompany an even older body. I have to say that I don't have a problem with that at all. They had posted a number of pics they had taken with their new camera. They have been a member of the particular forum for about 5 years and made about 150 posts in that time. Everyone replying on the thread was praising them on how great all these photos were but I thought they were terrible. The subject matter and composition were quite ok in most cases but they were way over processed in the strangest way. You could tell that they were using some sort of HDR software but most were way too dark with crushed shadows but also completely blown out highlights. There were also some obvious, weird halos in amongst this.

So, what do you think about giving false praise like this? I know that some replying on the aforementioned thread are accomplished photographers who do nice work. I didn't reply myself.
This is something we have discussed here from time to time, and it happens a lot in forums and facebook pages. I think it's daft, be constructive in criticism and make the person a better photographer, don't praise them for bad shots, because they will never know they aren't getting it quite right. Processing is a big factor, as you have seen. I know someone, non Sony, who massively over saturates his shots, and they look awful. I think if you are confident in your opinion, and in essence, right, then there is no harm in saying. There will always be some keyboard warrior who has a go at you for being rude, but unless they can back it up by proving they are better, or as good as you, they really don't have a valid opinion.
When former members were here, I remember asking them questions in private messages if I was curious about their editing or poor resolution in their threads. My goal was two-fold: (a) not to be a rude or derail their thread, and (b) to learn from them since I often have a plethora of flaws in my APSC-powered shots. I have had honest responses and openly hostile ones too, but my intent was always to continue learning.

So I've gone back to the old mantra: if you don't have anything nice to say (and the OP didn't ask for feedback) then don't say/post anything. That means the feedback on a thread may seem to skew towards the positive, but I see less harm in that than the alternative. I "like" many posts here, but sometimes if the subject matter or execution didn't tickle my fancy I just leave the thread alone.
Yes @FowlersFreeTime, I agree. I have actually had, on the same forum I mentioned above, very hostile responses on advice I have given on a beginners critique thread! I couldn't believe it. I just asked them - why are you even posting here. Also, on that same beginners critique thread, some members were offering some very poor advice. In my opinion anyway. As I said, I rarely go on there anymore.
Yes @FowlersFreeTime, I agree. I have actually had, on the same forum I mentioned above, very hostile responses on advice I have given on a beginners critique thread! I couldn't believe it. I just asked them - why are you even posting here. Also, on that same beginners critique thread, some members were offering some very poor advice. In my opinion anyway. As I said, I rarely go on there anymore.
I think many in the world nowadays are poor at listening to advice, offence is taken too quickly. Humility is a lost art.
Tangentially, I took good notice of some good advice from an online photographer: never believe your friends.

If we did, our pictures should be winning international prizes! Thank you friends. And don't stop, because I like praise :). And making the people I photograph happy is a pig part of why I do it at all. But, even putting impostor syndrome aside, I know there is so much to learn. In the post-processing as well as the composition.

Sincere critique should be welcome. And, as with all advice, asked and unasked, one is under no obligation to take it. But isn't it nice that people even bothered? I think so.
One of the facebook bird pages I am on this happens all the time.
I will speak from my point of view here. I have notice that I can post up some really good shots to get maybe 5 likes.
Then one of the popular ones will post up a very over edited and in many cases you have to read their comment to find out what the bird is.
Like you I say nothing as I am not jealous, I am just frustrated due to posting up shot there to get nothing but I have posted the same here
and been told they are okay.
So from that I worked out it is a popularity contest. So just let it go as you will never beat them in this.
Group as what I am in has the inner circle and the outer circle and if you as I am on the outer circle that is where you will stay.
And I just don't care as they are harming the one who they give false praise to in the long run.
So from that I worked out it is a popularity contest. So just let it go as you will never beat them in this.
Group as what I am in has the inner circle and the outer circle and if you as I am on the outer circle that is where you will stay.
And I just don't care as they are harming the one who they give false praise to in the long run.
Yes, @Ralph, I know exactly what that's like also...
One of the facebook bird pages I am on this happens all the time.
I will speak from my point of view here. I have notice that I can post up some really good shots to get maybe 5 likes.
Then one of the popular ones will post up a very over edited and in many cases you have to read their comment to find out what the bird is.
Like you I say nothing as I am not jealous, I am just frustrated due to posting up shot there to get nothing but I have posted the same here
and been told they are okay.
So from that I worked out it is a popularity contest. So just let it go as you will never beat them in this.
Group as what I am in has the inner circle and the outer circle and if you as I am on the outer circle that is where you will stay.
And I just don't care as they are harming the one who they give false praise to in the long run.
I just go with whoever has the best biscuits.
Bad pictures, ok pictures, good pictures and stunning pictures depend not only on the level of the photographer but the viewer.
Tolerance level is also a factor. In my case, over sharpening makes my skin crawl but I have not been this way, before I was made aware of this fact.
I might have given a praise to a picture in the past that would make me cringe today. I also can judge wildlife pictures and post processing of those photos better than portrait photography, since I really suck at the later one.

I believe, everybody tries hard to show off the best picture and I just would not say anything if the photographer is below my current abilities.
I do not think it is always false praise, art is in many ways very subjective. Super pushed images maybe that persons vision of what they see. In a technical sense they are poor images published everywhere, but the overall impact may be exactly what the image creator wanted. At the same time be kind makes for a more enjoyable forum than ripping every image one does not like. Also many times i have seen critics who have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to the images creation or impact. For me I tend towards encouragement comments unless someone really wants a critique.

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