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News New Samyang 35mm


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Nov 19, 2020
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United States
Pembroke Pines/FL
Saw this on Petapixel:

New FE lens from Samyang, key specs:
12 elements in 10 groups
Minimum focusing distance 0.3M
Weather sealed

You all know I'm an APSC user, so nothing for me to get excited about, but I like to see when decent & affordable lenses come out that are not over complicated with buttons, switches, or aperture rings. I'd love to see them give this treatment to a 24mm prime, I'd be curious to see how compact they can make it.
I like an aperture ring too, it's not only handy but it also adds some warmth to the process.

As for the new lens it's great to have growing options in the 35/40mm range, which is my favourite. And a fast, light prime is more than welcome.
Sorry Chris, I also like the aperture ring, although the only lenses I own that have them are my Viltrox 16mm, and a 50mm Minolta MD legacy lens. Samyang already do a nice 24mm f1.8 which I also have, but it does have one switch (customisable) and a focus hold push button. Over all though it's nice, light and fairly minimalist
I guess I'm in the minority then. I love the idea of minimalist design in lenses to keep cost and complexity down.
I use them a lot where they exist. I think it's just a brain - association thing. The aperture is part of the lens, so that's where what's left of my brain likes to find the control.
You all make a lot of sense; I never thought about the legacy of the aperture ring or the mechanical association with the lens itself. Probably because the A6000 was my first interchangeable lens camera, so my experience in very short compared to the other forum members. The APSC lenses usually skip aperture rings to keep costs down, so I got used to that.
I also like the aperture ring

I use them a lot where they exist

In my current photography incarnation, past seven years or so, Sony alpha, there were no aperture rings, and it had been too long since I'd owned a "real" camera for me to care which control to turn (and I'm an Aperture-priority man too). Recently I got a couple of lenses with aperture rings and it was oh wow, welcome back. Except I still get confused when the "aperture dial" on the camera does nothing (Yes, I know about the "A" setting which = pretend-no-lens-aperture ring).

Bottom line. This is one issue on which I'm easy going. Either way is no deal breaker.

This 35 looks nice. I'm after a Samsung 24/1.8 cheap. used.

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