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007 Limited Edition Rum (Still Life)


Legendary Member
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Pro Member
Nov 19, 2020
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United States
Pembroke Pines/FL
Fun fact about me: I collect rum. I'm no millionaire, but I've got a couple dozen bottles of varying origins and ages. I recently took delivery of this 007 Limited Edition Blackwell Rum (Jamaican), and I thought to myself, "Maybe I want to try a still life setting to showcase this rum?" I thought, what's typical "Bond" material? All I had was the liquor itself, a James Bond box set of blueray discs, and a toy pistol. I whipped this together with my a6400 and Sony 35mm f1.8 on a tripod with a mini led panel handheld at 45 degrees. Feedback is welcome.
  • ILCE-6400
  • E 35mm F1.8 OSS
  • 35.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 6/10 sec
  • ISO 100
  • ILCE-6400
  • E 35mm F1.8 OSS
  • 35.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/50 sec
  • ISO 250
Administrator, if the picture with the toy gun is found to be offensive, I apologize in advance and if you need to delete it, I understand.
Toy guns!!
Haha yes indeed. Though now I wish it was a replica of the iconic Walther PPK, but only a real cinema nerd (or gun collector) would care for the difference.
I'm not a cinema nerd but I am one gun short of a good collection. Thanks, I appreciate seeing a fine firearm just like I appreciatre a fine camera or lens, which reminds me, I'm one lens short of what I really need also. :cool:
That hardwood floor looks wonderful. It must be old but restored well.
Its actually a table! I love the look of reclaimed wood; I have this theme running from my dining room to my bar area. I was even thinking of going dumpster diving for pallets to create some photography backdrops at some point this year.
Fun fact about me: I collect rum. I'm no millionaire, but I've got a couple dozen bottles of varying origins and ages. I recently took delivery of this 007 Limited Edition Blackwell Rum (Jamaican), and I thought to myself, "Maybe I want to try a still life setting to showcase this rum?" I thought, what's typical "Bond" material? All I had was the liquor itself, a James Bond box set of blueray discs, and a toy pistol. I whipped this together with my a6400 and Sony 35mm f1.8 on a tripod with a mini led panel handheld at 45 degrees. Feedback is welcome.
View attachment 5122View attachment 5123
Ah NICE!! (all three)
Didn't try Blackwell ..used to drink Old Monk rum, cheers !(y)
Ah NICE!! (all three)
Didn't try Blackwell ..used to drink Old Monk rum, cheers !(y)
Oh dear, whenever you're ready I can make many many better recommendations than Old Monk 😅
Its actually a table! I love the look of reclaimed wood; I have this theme running from my dining room to my bar area. I was even thinking of going dumpster diving for pallets to create some photography backdrops at some point this year.
Be careful with pallets. Many are treated with toxic chemicals for pest control.

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