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Sony A6700 A6700 and Sigma lenses


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Nov 19, 2020
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United States
Pembroke Pines/FL
So this happened to me today:
Put on the Sigma 16mm on my a6700 for the first time and run outside to photograph the kids playing. After a few shots, the camera started acting funny. Focus started hunting, then cycled between manual focus and auto then camera screen went blank and unresponsive. Turn off camera, try again, a few shots in, happened again.

Swapped back to my trusty Tamron 17-70, and ZERO issues. I can only suspect lens firmware needs to be updated on my 4yr old Sigma lens for it to work on this new camera body.

When I get home from this road trip, I will look to see if my Sigma lenses (16 & 56) need updates.
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That's got to be it. It seems third party lenses have gone through some issues with the 6700 release. Samyang/Rokinon had several lenses that acted up. Must be something very new and different in that camera.

Yep, seems to have been noted and corrected by Sigma.
My nephew, curious about the camera lens I was uncomfortably close to him with lol
  • ILCE-6700
  • 16mm F1.4 DC DN | Contemporary 017
  • 16.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/400 sec
  • ISO 100
That's got to be it. It seems third party lenses have gone through some issues with the 6700 release. Samyang/Rokinon had several lenses that acted up. Must be something very new and different in that camera.

Yep, seems to have been noted and corrected by Sigma.
Sure seems like the Sony could share new information with third party lens manufacturers before a camera is released.

I thought they did, with those manufacturers that they give licenses to? I'm pretty sure that covers Tamron, always thought it included Sigma, but that's just assumption on my part: does it?

The others, that rely on reverse engineering without Sony support, are out on a limb. Samyang seems to have recovered from the duh-something-big-changed-here situation with a6700
I can't image anyone doing so without Sony's ok

I can. I guess there is an industry understanding that Sony tolerates unlicensed e-mount lenses. They may have even loudly whispered as much.

But, unless you negotiate the licence, which I'm sure is not cheap, you don't get support or any sort of privileged access to gear or information.

Why else did Samyang not know about problems with a6700 until told by the public? Why else did they say they needed to get the camera before they could fix it?
Welll.... bottom line is that I'm just shooting my mouth off. I don't have any real clue. Maybe there's something in the small print.

New in Marketplace
