Beach hut: Color or B&W?


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Nov 19, 2020
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United States
Pembroke Pines/FL
A beach hut, slightly overhanging the water, caught my eye on vacation. Sun was setting, but still quite high in the sky. Somehow, the overall tone of the original was just too flat.
So, which edit do you prefer: the oversaturated "rescue attempt" or the black & white version?
  • E 17-70mm F2.8 B070
  • 24.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/500 sec
  • ISO 100

DSC04841 1.jpg
  • E 17-70mm F2.8 B070
  • 24.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/500 sec
  • ISO 100
It is fine Chris but I dont think black and white has much of a place in photography these days, I would like to see a colour version (y)
I think I'd boost shadows to bring out the hut more, and I prefer the colour (correct spelling :D)
It looks like the place at the end of Road to Perdition.
I prefer the intriguing beauty of the colour version.

The b&w edit is dark and somber, which is fine, but I'm not sure if it fits the mood you were looking for. Maybe you could try editing the clouds to be slightly brighter, so overall the image is less dark and the hut stands out.
I prefer the intriguing beauty of the colour version.

The b&w edit is dark and somber, which is fine, but I'm not sure if it fits the mood you were looking for. Maybe you could try editing the clouds to be slightly brighter, so overall the image is less dark and the hut stands out.
You are correct, I think I reduced the exposure too much in the "sky" layer of the b&w edit.

Overall, I don't like this photo much, which is why I decided to play with the editing a bit. This location did not benefit from being photographed at sunset: there wasn't enough light on the subject, and the sky wasn't interesting enough to grab attention.
You are correct, I think I reduced the exposure too much in the "sky" layer of the b&w edit.

Overall, I don't like this photo much, which is why I decided to play with the editing a bit. This location did not benefit from being photographed at sunset: there wasn't enough light on the subject, and the sky wasn't interesting enough to grab attention.

One thing I do like is how the shape of the sky/clouds is the opposite to the shape of the sea/sand. It's more noticeable in the colour version. Quite like a yin yang ☯ or a mirrored S.
Ok, fine. The B&W is the better of the two, but it needs a lot more dramatic processing.