Been missing for a while

Ian S

Well Known Member
Jan 4, 2023
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Ian Smith
So I'm in the English Lake District a couple of month ago at a place Called Rydale caves. Wet miserable day, unsure whether to take camera. OK I think, you never know. There's a big pond of water at the mouth of the cave. Oh those water droplets falling into the water from the top of the cliff would make a nice shot I think. I walk carefully across the stepping stones to a good point. and I'm in the process of composing when I'm aware of someone behind me. There stands a lady on the next stepping stone waiting to get into the cave. Being a gentleman I say, Oh sorry I'll just get out of your way. as I step to the next stone I completely miss my footing and fall. I had no idea how deep this water was but I find myself sitting on my backside completely submerged over my head, camera in hand in icy cold water (so cold I have a sudden intake of breath and swallow a mouthful). As I clamber out I was so worried about my camera that I didn't even feel embarrassed. Standing shaking the water out of it I hear a voice from above (the cliff top above not the divine) "Take your battery out". Everything is saturated, camera, Lens Camera bag. I now have an hours walk soaking wet back to where Im staying. The moral of the story? don't be a gentleman make them wait. The good news, the stuff in the bag was fine (Thanks Lowepro). The camera and my camera and lens were sent off to the approved service people and were repairable. And I have to say the insurance people were excellent and paid the cost les excess immediately and without issue. One final thing I'm now in Bali on a diving holiday and can you imagine my trepidation on my first dive with my newly repaired camera in its underwater housing wondering what the insurance company would say if this went pear shaped. I suspect they would not see the funny side of things. Luckily just finished 24th dive and all is well (Touch wood).
The stuff nightmares are made of.

English weather in the Lake District can be very moist.
So I'm in the English Lake District a couple of month ago at a place Called Rydale caves. Wet miserable day, unsure whether to take camera. OK I think, you never know. There's a big pond of water at the mouth of the cave. Oh those water droplets falling into the water from the top of the cliff would make a nice shot I think. I walk carefully across the stepping stones to a good point. and I'm in the process of composing when I'm aware of someone behind me. There stands a lady on the next stepping stone waiting to get into the cave. Being a gentleman I say, Oh sorry I'll just get out of your way. as I step to the next stone I completely miss my footing and fall. I had no idea how deep this water was but I find myself sitting on my backside completely submerged over my head, camera in hand in icy cold water (so cold I have a sudden intake of breath and swallow a mouthful). As I clamber out I was so worried about my camera that I didn't even feel embarrassed. Standing shaking the water out of it I hear a voice from above (the cliff top above not the divine) "Take your battery out". Everything is saturated, camera, Lens Camera bag. I now have an hours walk soaking wet back to where Im staying. The moral of the story? don't be a gentleman make them wait. The good news, the stuff in the bag was fine (Thanks Lowepro). The camera and my camera and lens were sent off to the approved service people and were repairable. And I have to say the insurance people were excellent and paid the cost les excess immediately and without issue. One final thing I'm now in Bali on a diving holiday and can you imagine my trepidation on my first dive with my newly repaired camera in its underwater housing wondering what the insurance company would say if this went pear shaped. I suspect they would not see the funny side of things. Luckily just finished 24th dive and all is well (Touch wood).
Glad you are OK, and the camera kit. Didn't the lady offer a lending hand?
I think a trip to Bali after freezing in the Lakes was a necessity after your unfortunate plunge! Glad all was ok and your insurance paid out. Who were you using?
Glad you are OK, and the camera kit. Didn't the lady offer a lending hand?
Thanks. To be fair I think she did but it was all a bit of a blur after that.
I think a trip to Bali after freezing in the Lakes was a necessity after your unfortunate plunge! Glad all was ok and your insurance paid out. Who were you using?
Thanks and you're right I was ready for this trip. Aviva were the insurance company.
At least it was repairable!