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Bird section


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Aug 9, 2020
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Ralph Ernesti
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  1. Yes
Timothy I was just thinking that Birds are really popular in the photography world and in here as well.
So why can't birds have a section of their very own. And then have Birds In Flight and your normal shots in another section .
But both under the heading of Birds.
Great suggestion.
There is, kind of, already. In the Wildlife section, where you select birds as the topic. We used to have a separate one I think, but Tim trimmed things down.
We did used to have a separate birds forum but this got consolidated under wildlife when trying to reduce the number of forums here. But if you go into the wildlife forum you can select to filter by prefix and then select birds, now you'll only see the bird related posts. The filter option can be found towards the top right just under the watch and mark read buttons. I probably won't be reverting it back to how it used to be.
We did used to have a separate birds forum but this got consolidated under wildlife when trying to reduce the number of forums here. But if you go into the wildlife forum you can select to filter by prefix and then select birds, now you'll only see the bird related posts. The filter option can be found towards the top right just under the watch and mark read buttons. I probably won't be reverting it back to how it used to be.
I have seen this and use it that way as well but I feel birds have one of the biggest following's out of all sections and this is why I thought they should have their very own one like as before.
Birds in flight I have trouble shooting birds on a branch :ROFLMAO:
There are never any non-birds in the non-BIF thread! ;)

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