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Black and white photos


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Aug 13, 2023
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Hi all I have always loved black and white photos and was wondering is there any difference between a photo taken in black and white and a photo taken in colour then photo shopped to black and white ..... Thank you Gary
If you start with a colour photo then you can emphasise or de-emphasise certain colours in post-processing. For example, you can darken blue sky or lighten geen foliage. This is obviously impossible if you throw away the colour information at the shooting stage by only capturing a mono jpeg.
Pentax have a mono version of their K-3 III DSLR. I believe you can use colour filters with it just like you would have back in the film days.

I use Nik Silver Efex to post process images to B&W. It has a section to apply different colour filters.
There are those that will argue that only real B&W film and darkroom printing is a real B&W image. For me I have no issue converting a Color raw image into a B&W file with PS, on my Ricoh GRIII and FujiX100VI, I shoot them in jpeg/raw, with the jpeg film simulation in B&W. IF I am happy with the jpeg I can play with in PS or if not just convert from the raw. With practice I would say one can quite good at it

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