Christmas Poinsettia


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Nov 19, 2020
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United States
Pembroke Pines/FL
In Jamaica, where I grew up and spend most of my Christmases, no other flower is as iconic at Christmas time as the Poinsettia:

  • E 17-70mm F2.8 B070
  • 43.0 mm
  • ƒ/4
  • 1/250 sec
  • ISO 100

  • E 17-70mm F2.8 B070
  • 17.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 100
They are, however, toxic and should not be handled or sampled by pets... or toddlers 😅

  • E 17-70mm F2.8 B070
  • 34.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.7999999523163
  • 1/400 sec
  • ISO 100
Obviously you're not allowed to touch them then... 🤣
my mom says not to believe everything I read on wikipedia :ROFLMAO:
Not that toxic after all, but still decided not to let my daughter play with them.
I wanted to see how the photo would look with less glare, so I tried a different bloom with the polarizer:
  • Sony E 30mm f/3.5 Macro
  • 30.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/80 sec
  • ISO 250

Very different without the highlights that my first two photos had, though in retrospect, the first two photos were of a variegated red bloom, and this was more the traditional solid red. There is also a white version, but mom didn't have any good ones on display for me to photograph.
my mom says not to believe everything I read on wikipedia :ROFLMAO:

Well, it is owned by the technocratic billionaires, and just like all their other media companies which is basically everything mainstream, the censorship is unbelievable and they only adhere to the 'official' narrative.

Your mum sounds smart. She's obviously in touch with nature also. ✅
Your mum sounds smart. She's obviously in touch with nature also. ✅
A smart lady indeed and my role model for the cooking & gardening. I have some more photos to edit from her garden, I'll post those up this weekend.

(I don't think it is?)


Ok, so this is the problem with the average person not realising just how monopolised this control system is. 99.9% of people who are suspicious will just skim the absolute surface then come to their conclusion.

Example, Bill Gates is giving almost all of his wealth to charities when he passes. On the surface this seems fantastic, then once you dig into the history of each charity and the history of the chief members of each charity it becomes coincidence after coincidence. Long histories of connections to media, government, education, medical etc.

In regards to Wikipedia, generally a simple Google search then a headline read of the top 3 or 4 searches will be enough for most people to believe it's all good. Media and public information companies are displayed as independent, but a proper dig into it will prove that those in charge and those who are funding it are all connected at the grass roots. In the mainstream arena there is literally zero sources that are not ultimately controlled by the same small group of people. It's as simple as going on their sites and chasing up the information they display on there, it is not hidden at all so long as you have both eyes open. The people have absolutely no idea just how censored and miscontrued the world actually is...
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