Pets Dog Photography Thread - Post Your Dogs Here


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Aug 31, 2020
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United States
San Diego
Post your dogs!

Here my English Staffordshire Terrier Riley and my frinds pup Apollo
  • ILCE-7M3
  • E 28-75mm F2.8-2.8
  • 28.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 65535

  • ILCE-7M3
  • E 28-75mm F2.8-2.8
  • 75.0 mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/400 sec
  • ISO 1250
Frank playing ball. It rarely leaves his mouth!

The young fella was Murphy taken way too early.
Great dog and a great mate that I miss.
Murphy (250) - Copy.JPG
  • DSLR-A390
  • 180.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/320 sec
  • ISO 100
The young fella was Murphy taken way too early.
Great dog and a great mate that I miss.
Gorgeous chap! It's never fair when then go before their time :(
This is Muddy my fiancée's dog. Almost 15 now and was still very active until yesterday morning when we found she had been sick overnight and couldn't get out of bed. Turns out she has pyometra and needed her uterus and ovaries removed which is quite a big op for a dog her age and the vet gave her a 50:50 chance. Thankfully she got through the op but not without a few complications, we are crossing our fingers and toes that she has made it through her overnight stay at the vets. Despite her name she really hates getting muddy or wet, so just the opposite of Frank who loves splashing about in a good dirty puddle!

  • ILCE-7RM4
  • E 70-350mm F4.5-6.3 G OSS
  • 350.0 mm
  • ƒ/6.3
  • 1/2000 sec
  • ISO 3200
Good news that Muddy has come out the other side is an okay condition.
As you said a dog this age it could have not come out at all. A good story over all.
Good news that Muddy has come out the other side is an okay condition.
As you said a dog this age it could have not come out at all. A good story over all.
Yes. Hopefully going to collect her later today. Seems to have come through the op ok but isn't eating much, although that could be anxiety as she's not used to being left somewhere she doesn't know. All being well she'll continue to recover once we have her home providing Frank doesn't want to use her as a play toy!
So sorry to hear. Just had a cat pass. Thought she would be around for another decade or so, within a week from what we thought was picture of health to gone. Some sort of abdominal mass/cancer.
I am so sorry to hear this as these buggers get into your heart and once there they become family.
Well this is how I feel. But its never easy even if you know its going to happen.
This is Busta he's a Terrier cross with whatever blend you want, but we are thinking along the line of a West White Highland Terrier.
Today Busta got a hair cut and he really did need it to.
  • DSC-RX10M4
  • 8.8-220.0 mm f/2.4-4.0
  • 30.5 mm
  • ƒ/3.5
  • 1/13 sec
  • ISO 800
This is Muddy my fiancée's dog. Almost 15 now and was still very active until yesterday morning when we found she had been sick overnight and couldn't get out of bed. Turns out she has pyometra and needed her uterus and ovaries removed which is quite a big op for a dog her age and the vet gave her a 50:50 chance. Thankfully she got through the op but not without a few complications, we are crossing our fingers and toes that she has made it through her overnight stay at the vets. Despite her name she really hates getting muddy or wet, so just the opposite of Frank who loves splashing about in a good dirty puddle!

View attachment 2137
I'll say a prayer for Muddy.
My daughter has got a Labrador and these are a great breed of dog once the silliness is out of them.
Though training helps a lot at early stages with these I have found.
Deacon is a good looker.
My daughter has got a Labrador and these are a great breed of dog once the silliness is out of them.
Though training helps a lot at early stages with these I have found.
Deacon is a good looker.
Thank you! They can be a handful when they are young, but you have to treat them like kids in many ways. Teach them boundaries, what’s theirs and not theirs, what’s acceptable behavior and what’s not. Deacon has been pretty easy. He has a wonderful “off switch”, where we can be out training and he will run 100 mph through a brick wall to retrieve and be super excited, but as soon as we cross the threshold into the house he melts into a lazy brown blob haha!
This is Penny and I will say I love her. She is my dog when I visit the grandies and daughter.
She will listen to me over them due to the work I done with her early on.
I even came up with her name. But this is a great dog when grown up.
DSC00309 - Copy.JPG
  • DSC-RX10M4
  • 8.8-220.0 mm f/2.4-4.0
  • 13.0 mm
  • ƒ/3.2
  • 1/25 sec
  • ISO 800
These are three of my babies: Paco, 1yo (adopted street dog), Umma (another rescued street dog), something between 2 and 4yo and Boris, one of my twins black labs, 12yo.
Here are the first and third (she looked away on photo 2) photos taken with my a7iii of my sidekick Shakira.


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I have two dogs! This is my boy, Ben. He's a mutt of many colors, mostly hound (Treeing Walker Coonhound, Beagle), Spitz (Chow Chow, Norwegian Elkhound, American Eskimo) and Pit Bull. He's now maybe somewhere between 7 and 8.

This is my girl Lea, she's a Border Collie and just turned 4 a few weeks ago.

I also take photos of friends' dogs and my mom's dog. This is my mom's dog, Abbie. She's a 2-year-old Poodle/Cocker mix.

This was my beloved Dahlia, who we lost in 2019. She was a Border Collie/Golden Retriever mix. This photo is from 2013, so she was about 7 to 8ish or so at the time.
TaeYang during the pre studio-photoShoot adaptation period in the garden, A1 doing its (dog) eye-AF magic on this nervous friend, with 7M3 would probably not have had a single shoot in focus.

  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 135mm F1.8 GM (SEL135F18GM)
  • 135.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/5000 sec
  • ISO 100
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 135mm F1.8 GM (SEL135F18GM)
  • 135.0 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/5000 sec
  • ISO 100
  • ILCE-1
  • Sony FE 200–600mm F5.6–6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)
  • 241.0 mm
  • ƒ/7.1
  • 1/250 sec
  • ISO 320

#GasparOnWheels (local celebrity)Also my first ever hands-on with a focal distance above 135mm, in this case a 200-600mm fresh out of the shop/box.
Luckily A1's dog eye-AF totally masks my total lack of experience with such lenses.

EDIT: replaced the image with a better version
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Oh my goodness, I wanna smooth his face!