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Free Members competition

I try to make an effort to vote every month for both. I think that really the issue is lack of visibility. The forum category is about a 1/3rd of a way down the page and you still need multiple clicks to get to the active competition. The competitions don't appear in the "What's New" first page unless someone has posted to the current thread recently (or is one of the last 10 with activity since your last visit). I think if the active competitions were pinned to the top of the Forums page (above Latest Images) and the "What's New" page it would help drive traffic to them.

Lack of participation is due to:
1. Not knowing about them (posting and voting)
2. Forgetting about them (posting and voting)
3. Not having faith in your work (posting)
4. Not caring (posting and voting)
Pinning the active competitions can help with the first two.
Thanks for the feedback David. I'll see what I can do about making the competition links more prominent.
wow now you allowed to change submitted images , jeez it is a complete joke, third entry for the above, one removed for not reading rules, second because they just suddenly have a better shot, well this sums up the whole problem
wow now you allowed to change submitted images , jeez it is a complete joke, third entry for the above, one removed for not reading rules, second because they just suddenly have a better shot, well this sums up the whole problem
Can't see any rules about a change of image I am not always around to check and post so as long as an entry is in by the submission date all is well , and yeah I acknowledge your second point 👉
Can't see any rules about a change of image I am not always around to check and post so as long as an entry is in by the submission date all is well , and yeah I acknowledge your second point 👉
It is about being fair, your images are plenty good enough for you to submit and stand by it. quite sure this will be the last monthly competition we see on here
It is about being fair, your images are plenty good enough for you to submit and stand by it. quite sure this will be the last monthly competition we see on here
Yeah but what if I feel I have a better image I want to submit as the month rolls on, in future I will wait until the last day to keep you happy.
I agree and despite the conscientious input from guests and supporters alike to improve the situation it seems at this point in time this month's
Competition will become a very poor relation to what went before, and even that needed improvement.

How on god's green earth do the extensive exclusively wildlife/birding fraternity shoot a wildlife subject into a landscape....this is not jmpossible but could have been so much easier , and accomodating for all, had the inputs been heeded and the valid shot period expanded beyond 2 months to give interested entrants a broader portfolio selection, , and a more flexible formula adopted leading to a flexible "theme" to generate the required interest.

Anyways as they say - QUE SERA SERA......whatever will be will be.......unfortunately.
I'm surprised by how seriously some of you are taking this to be honest.

I don't have any problems with the rules, just waiting for the sun to come out and the wind drop enough to get the shot I want. Then I have to remember the tripod plate, duh! Again, for flips sake Dave, get your act together, it's a twenty mile drive for nothing. Then of course I left all of my filters at home, and it's a 1500 mile drive each way to get them.

Anyway, as an almost exclusively wildlife and street shooter who's frankly excrement at landscape, I'll give it a go. If everything comes together of course.

Happy new year!
It is about being fair, your images are plenty good enough for you to submit and stand by it. quite sure this will be the last monthly competition we see on here

Yeah but what if I feel I have a better image I want to submit as the month rolls on, in future I will wait until the last day to keep you happy.
As one of the people in on this I don't care if you replace the image only that whatever the image is that it meets the rules for the contest.

I agree and despite the conscientious input from guests and supporters alike to improve the situation it seems at this point in time this month's
Competition will become a very poor relation to what went before, and even that needed improvement.

How on god's green earth do the extensive exclusively wildlife/birding fraternity shoot a wildlife subject into a landscape....this is not jmpossible but could have been so much easier , and accomodating for all, had the inputs been heeded and the valid shot period expanded beyond 2 months to give interested entrants a broader portfolio selection, , and a more flexible formula adopted leading to a flexible "theme" to generate the required interest.

Anyways as they say - QUE SERA SERA......whatever will be will be.......unfortunately.
If I, someone that shoots 90%+ wildlife, can find a way to do a landscape photo so can you. I'd also like to point out that it takes me more than an hour drive in almost any direction to escape suburbia (the one that doesn't just puts you in the ocean) and in most of those directions the ground is flat, which means you just need to try and be creative, which is kind of the point. If you don't win hopefully you learned something new and your photography grows.
Just wondered if anyone else wanted to change the image they already entered and met the rules first time?
We had competition issues before that, and I don`t care who wins as long as there are rules, and we all stick to them, we have had people just entering the competition once a month and not adding to the forum at all and that is not really fair if they only visit for the competition. I guess they would not do that if it was just for bragging rights, non of the people entered now and most that enter now are those people! :)
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Hear hear ....thanks for that 😊
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looks like someone went running to Tim Mayo?
looks like someone went running to Tim Mayo?
Maybe they did, or maybe he exercised his Admin powers appropriately. I am disappointed in how the thread went downhill. In my previous time as a forum moderator, I would have stepped in earlier and issued warnings...
Maybe they did, or maybe he exercised his Admin powers appropriately. I am disappointed in how the thread went downhill. In my previous time as a forum moderator, I would have stepped in earlier and issued warnings...

Warnings for what exactly Chris? I personally think we should start giving warnings to people who are overly sensitive. How did men allowed themselves to deteriorate to this point..? It's just ridiculous and embarrassing. 🫣
Warnings for what exactly Chris? I personally think we should start giving warnings to people who are overly sensitive. How did men allowed themselves to deteriorate to this point..? It's just ridiculous and embarrassing. 🫣
It wasn't the right place for the feedback (if that is what it can be called), and hopefully the bickering didn't dissuade new users from posting entries. Hell, this isn't even the right thread for feedback, we should be using this one: https://www.alphashooters.com/community/threads/pro-member-competition-feedback.1526/
As you will have noticed I've moved all of the rants from our site supporters competition thread into this feedback thread, although not specifically for the site supporters competition it continues the previous discussion. The competitions will be merged next month anyway and there will again be a single feedback thread.

@spudhead If you have an issue with any of the competition rules then you can address them to me, it's not your job to start ranting at other members regarding their entries, especially not in the unfriendly manner which you did.

We don't have a rule about changing your submitted entry but going forward this should probably only be allowed due to the snapped date being outside of the allowed window and not because a better photo was taken.

Let's not forget folks that this competition is just a bit of friendly fun for the forum. It's not the International Photography Awards and certainly not worth getting your knickers in a twist. If it stops being fun then it's not worth running it.
As you will have noticed I've moved all of the rants from our site supporters competition thread into this feedback thread, although not specifically for the site supporters competition it continues the previous discussion. The competitions will be merged next month anyway and there will again be a single feedback thread.

@spudhead If you have an issue with any of the competition rules then you can address them to me, it's not your job to start ranting at other members regarding their entries, especially not in the unfriendly manner which you did.

We don't have a rule about changing your submitted entry but going forward this should probably only be allowed due to the snapped date being outside of the allowed window and not because a better photo was taken.

Let's not forget folks that this competition is just a bit of friendly fun for the forum. It's not the International Photography Awards and certainly not worth getting your knickers in a twist. If it stops being fun then it's not worth running it.
Totally understand and agree Tim, I enter domestic and international competitions and you can make as many changes as you wish up to the closing date, I was really disappointed in the message that I received.
In competitions I have seen on other forums when a member changes his or her original entry they indicate that in the thread and offer an explanation. If I recall correctly there may also be a limit on how many times a member can swap out entries. In at least one forum in which I participate there are no competitions at all, specifically because they can and do cause conflicts and dissension.

I agree with Deleted Member 5003's comments as well as iamdlewis' suggestions in his post above, too. Limiting the shooting period to just two months seems rather too narrow a time frame, and I can see how a rolling quarter would work well.
It may not have occured to many, in respect of those that consider themselves predominantly
wildlife /birding, macro or other specific genre shooters (excluding landscapes), that the competition
change announcement of 2 jan 2024 put non landscape shooters at an immediate disadvantage
if they want at all to enter the january competition. They effectively have less than 3 weeks to shoot
a suitable image to qualify.

It is easy to dispell all this as "it's only a bit of fun" but some folks take this more seriously than that
and if they can't access to fair competition on this forum, may well look elsewhere........the degrading
of the competition from 3 winners/runners up to now only 1 paid winner has not been lost on many
and to see another degraded version of the competition which has clearly not been well thought out
before implementation only leaves more of a sour taste in the mouths of those who regard the
competition as an integral part of the forum attraction.

As in organisations generally, ignore the feelings/concerns of your customers at your peril......
It may not have occured to many, in respect of those that consider themselves predominantly
wildlife /birding, macro or other specific genre shooters (excluding landscapes), that the competition
change announcement of 2 jan 2024 put non landscape shooters at an immediate disadvantage
if they want at all to enter the january competition. They effectively have less than 3 weeks to shoot
a suitable image to qualify.

It is easy to dispell all this as "it's only a bit of fun" but some folks take this more seriously than that
and if they can't access to fair competition on this forum, may well look elsewhere........the degrading
of the competition from 3 winners/runners up to now only 1 paid winner has not been lost on many
and to see another degraded version of the competition which has clearly not been well thought out
before implementation only leaves more of a sour taste in the mouths of those who regard the
competition as an integral part of the forum attraction.

As in organisations generally, ignore the feelings/concerns of your customers at your peril......
I notice you have a lot of issues to point out but not many solutions. So what do you have as a suggestion?

Last year there was an average of 12.5 entries per month. I don't know how many active visitors there are a month but 13 people taking part is not a large number. In the 5 months that there were 3 prizes there was an average of 10 participants in the 7 months with 1 prize the average was 14. So the lack of 2nd and 3rd place prizes doesn't seem to be impacting the participation.
I live in a large definitely urban area so that there are really not a lot of good opportunities for effective, beautiful landscape shots, particularly in my immediate surroundings. Aside from that, where I live it is now cold wintertime and as someone who is no longer "a spring chicken" I tend to avoid going out except when I have to do so for necessary errands.

My excursions where I happily wander around with camera and a few lenses in hand are reserved for the warmer, nicer weather. Weather conditions being perfectly agreeable, though, yes, occasionally I might pop off a landscape shot or two, but for the most part it is not my primary interest and I'm not all that proficient at it. Give me the wildlife, the birds, the opportunities for macros and I'm a happy camper!

In wintertime once in a while I can luck out and get some nice wildlife (water birds) shots right from my deck, but otherwise I tend to spend more time indoors shooting macros and closeups or experimenting with things like water drop photography. So, no landscapes coming from me, either in a competition or otherwise!

As for the noticeable competition participation dropping, I think that is not unusual in any forum. I have definitely seen it in other forums where I am a member. For various reasons, people lose interest, they don't have time to participate (especially if it requires shooting something new) or they have already left the forum for whatever reasons so aren't even around to see the competitions any more.

This brings up an elephant in the room...... I think there are at least a few previously active members who have now left this forum, as I've noticed their absence over the past little while.... Too many people departing or simply no longer participating at all is a red flag, isn't it?
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I live in a large definitely urban area so that there are really not a lot of good opportunities for effective, beautiful landscape shots, particularly in my immediate surroundings. Aside from that, where I live it is now cold wintertime and as someone who is no longer "a spring chicken" I tend to avoid going out except when I have to do so for necessary errands.

My excursions where I happily wander around with camera and a few lenses in hand are reserved for the warmer, nicer weather. Weather conditions being perfectly agreeable, though, yes, occasionally I might pop off a landscape shot or two, but for the most part it is not my primary interest and I'm not all that proficient at it. Give me the wildlife, the birds, the opportunities for macros and I'm a happy camper!

In wintertime once in a while I can luck out and get some nice wildlife (water birds) shots right from my deck, but otherwise I tend to spend more time indoors shooting macros and closeups or experimenting with things like water drop photography. So, no landscapes coming from me, either in a competition or otherwise!

As for the noticeable competition participation dropping, I think that is not unusual in any forum. I have definitely seen it in other forums where I am a member. For various reasons, people lose interest, they don't have time to participate (especially if it requires shooting something new) or they have already left the forum for whatever reasons so aren't even around to see the competitions any more.

This brings up an elephant in the room...... I think there are at least a few previously active members who have now left this forum, as I've noticed their absence over the past little while.... Too many people departing or simply no longer participating at all is a red flag, isn't it?
Lots of people have left, not surprisingly and not unusual in any forum.
I will say that choosing a theme needs to be better thought out though as certain themes will prevent entries from a lot of members, which doesn't help matters. The other factor is time of year. Christmas is a busy period anyway, plus life can get in the way (I personally haven't been out with the camera since November) and so this will reduce participation. There aren't solutions to this really, just hope the forum grows, but it won't. Too many negative posts, especially recently, and too much jealousy/hate toward some members does not make it a welcoming place.
Welcome to the internet :D
In response to lamdlewis he has cleatly not read my string of mails hitherto his mail above wherein I have
both agreed with others suggested changes and provided my own...suggest he reads them before directing
negative insinuations. in the event the competition format was changed unilaterally by forum management
on the 2 jan 2024 with little of the main participants improvement suggestions taken on board

On the above discourse, basic organisational principles and practice clearly show that that the mood and
direction of an organisation members are often a mirror image of its management...good or bad

On the question of generating higher competition numbers there has to be benefit to those that are expected
to participate and equally participation is not a given, it has to be managed proactively to grow and effort
applied to make it a success.

To put meat on lamdlewis's statistics the supporter competition, by its design is limited to suporter
membership including 1 or 2 elevated guests leading to a core of 6 or 7 supporters who submit entries
on every/most months. With limited forum supporter numbers with which to grow the competition, as i
understand the current membership numbers, there needs to be a signnificnt change to the competitions
format and drive. The planned integration of the free and supporter competitions should go some way to
addressing this.

As regards other changes, as has been mentioned by myself and others, the following seem to reflect best
practice on other forum's :-

1. Reinstate voucher or similar benefit to monthly winner and runners up
2. Operate a theme each month, but which cannot be a photograpy genre as it is limiting, and as we
all know the forum comprises a higher number of wildlife/bird shooters and to avoid isolating many of
this group as well as other lower represented shooter genres the theme shoud be more in line with
what has already suggested by others as best practice from other forums.
3. Form a competition panel to operate within agreed parameters to both oversee the competition, as
well as provide a think tank from which to generate forum growth intiatives for forum mangement
4. Forum management to actively work on, with participation by all, in eliminating the current forum
barriers and inter relationship negatives.

maybe the above, alongwith any other suggestions, may go some way to promoting a more healthy
forum environment based on deeper and transparent communication as well as promoting competition
and membership numbers growth...?
In response to lamdlewis he has cleatly not read my string of mails hitherto his mail above wherein I have
both agreed with others suggested changes and provided my own...suggest he reads them before directing
negative insinuations. in the event the competition format was changed unilaterally by forum management
on the 2 jan 2024 with little of the main participants improvement suggestions taken on board
Sorry just more recent ones were like I stated but also could have just been me getting lost in the word salads.

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