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Heading State Side - any suggestions


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Jan 17, 2023
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Ed Galea
United Kingdom
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Hi Everyone, I'm heading to the USA and Canada in April on business for about 3 weeks. I'm going to be in Oklahoma City, Toronto, Indianapolis and New York City, in that order. Any suggestions of what I should be shooting. I was hoping to go to Niagra Falls while in Toronto, but I don't think I'm going to have time, probably only be in the downtown area.

I'm thinking of perhaps buying some camera gear while in the States. What's a good store to go purchase some Sony Kit from? Macey's in NYC offers travellers a sizeable discount on production of a passport. Do they sell Sony gear? Any suggestions for a lens to partner my GM2 70-200mm f2.8? I was thinking of Sony’s FE 24-70mm f2.8 G Master II Lens? Is no optical stabiliser an issue - my A7iv has stabilisation so is it an issue?

Anything else I should consider purchasing from the USA that would be cheaper than in the UK?
Second B&H, Niagara Falls is a bit of a drive from Toronto, just make sure you have the time, NY has an amazing amount of street photo opportunities as well architectural ones. Toronto is a fun city but as far as the other two, I have never been
Oklahoma City - If you are going to be here on April 8th the city the sun will be in a 93.66% shadow during the eclipse (Eclipse Map). Other than that I really no idea but there is most likely some kind of rodeo going on.

Toronto - The CN Tower has great views of the city, there are some boat tours of the islands in Lake Ontario (not sure if these run in April), If you are into Ice Hockey there is the Hockey Hall of Fame.

Indianapolis - See Brownie post. I drove through Indiana once and it ranks as the worst state I have driven through (driven in 23).

New York City - For a photographer B&H is something to see at least once but if you miss it don't worry about it. The best thing about the place is that if you are looking for tripods or bags or some specialty equipment you can find most of the options there. If you are not in the market for equipment it can be a place that will make you want to buy something you probably won't need. If you want to photograph some US birds Central park has a surprising variation, the Jackie O Reservoir will have a few types of ducks and you can generally find a few type of woodpeckers, sparrows and finches around. Also depending on the light the Belvedere Castle can provide some nice photography options. There are 5 observation decks in the city, if you are going to photograph from one I feel that the Edge NYC (Location: 30 Hudson Yards, New York) might be the best since it is the only one in which you can see all the other well known building from. If you are going to do an observation deck you will want to get tickets in advance. Statue of Liberty is nice (don't go in it) but know that it will take a minimum of 3 hours. If you are ever thinking of getting real prints made of your photos I would suggest visiting the WhiteWall store (LUMAS Gallery: 474 West Broadway, New York, NY 10012) to see what there are in printing options even if you never get a print from them as no other print shop that I have seen has something they don't offer (there are also a lot of galleries in that area). NYC is a world city so there are a gallizion things. If there is anything that is touristy get tickets in advance or go early, everything is always busy by late morning through closing time.
When in New York, the ferry to Staten island gives some good opportunities, including the statue of Liberty. Best of all, it's free. I don't know the name of the bar, but head uphill from the terminal and the first bar on the rhs does spectacular wings. I've yet to find better anywhere.

Central Park is good for a bit of street. Full of characters.

Not great photographically, but a helicopter ride over the city is spectacular and really helps you understand the topography.

Niagra is obviously spectacular and easy enough to get to by coach trip, we went from Toronto. The town itself is a tourist trap extraordinaire and must be wandered for it's cheap and gaudy frontages.

Toronto, not my favourite city in the world (apologies any residents), but China Town is a good backdrop for street, the bars are fun, poutine is dreadful and there was a dead rat in the middle of the path near our apartment for 3 days.

OP: Are you an Apple products user? If so, you must pay a visit to one of the Apple stores in NYC! Probably the most visually spectacular is the Fifth Avenue Apple Store -- worth a look and an exterior photo or two even if you are not an Apple fan!

It has been rather a long while since I've been up to NYC (I'm in the Washington, DC suburbs), but I keep saying that when I am next there I'll be making time to stop by two amazing places: B&H (Mecca for photographers!) and Apple (Mecca for Apple fans).

NYC has a number of camera shops, but some are a bit dodgy so do be careful! By the way, Macy's is a large and well-known department store, which sells clothing, household goods, luggage, that sort of thing, but not camera gear.

NYC is a fascinating, always-on-the-move place and it can be overwhelming at times, but you will be astonished by this incredibly vital, energetic city with so much to see and do. Have fun when you are there!
Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions. Good to know that Macy's doesn't sell cameras, and good to know the BH Photo and Video is the place to go. I will certainly pay them a visit. But I was really surprised that they sell the lens I'm interested in, FE 24-70mm f2.8 GM II, at a higher price than currently available in the UK from Cotswalds Camera. This is currently available at UK£1499 while at BH it is US$2299. Sony Tough V90 128GB and 256GB memory cards though are considerably cheaper from BH.

Thanks for all the advice concerning photo opps in NYC. While I've been there many times, I've never been there as a photographer, so this will be a whole new experience for me, so I'm keen to explore the Big Apple with a camera in hand. How do folks in NYC respond to street photographers? Is this something I should be careful about?

The Indianapolis 500 Speedway sounds like a great idea.

What about Oklahoma City, must be something worth photographing there? I do arrive the day before the eclipse, so that might be exciting - hope I will be able to get a hotel for my stay. Also, rodeo sounds interesting, could be interesting with the 70-200mm f2.8.

Thanks again for all the advice so far guys.
If I ever go to USA I would love to visit B&H.

I also want to visit Harry J Epstein toolshop --- but it is Kansas City.
B&H Photo is great! I have also had good experiences with Adorama as well. In fact, I got my "like new" a7RIV from them at an insane price. Their address is 42 west 18th street, New York, NY, 10011.

Also, I have used https://www.tripadvisor.com/ for suggestions of "things to do" in a city. Travelers review and rate so it seems trustworthy and I haven't had a bad experience from using the site. Once you enter your desired location, scroll down to Top Attractions. I hope you have a fun safe trip!
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