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January 2025 Competition - Black & White

Tim Mayo

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Mar 1, 2020
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United Kingdom
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Our first monthly competition of 2025 is now open for voting.

Please Include Metadata with Images Submitted. The Creation Date Restriction is No Longer


For January our theme will be black & white which was one of our most popular themes of 2024. Please try not to simply convert a color photo into B&W, the best B&W photos have typically been given some consideration before pressing the shutter button to how they will look without color. If you need some inspiration then see these examples from Sony's World Photography Awards.

Competition Dates
Entries start: The date that this post is published.
Entries end: January 21st at 3am Eastern Time (9am GMT)
Voting starts: January 21st at 3am Eastern Time (9am GMT)
Voting ends: January 28th at 3am Eastern Time (9am GMT)

Shot Taken Date
Images can be taken anytime, there is no restriction like we had in 2024 for images to be taken in the current or previous two months.

What Do I Get if I Win?
I'm afraid now it's just the joy of taking park, but I will look into adding a special profile banner to winners profiles. In the past there have been vouchers for 1st and 2nd places, but we want to try and encourage people to enter without dangling a voucher code in front of them.

How to Enter + Rules
  1. Post your entries in this thread by scrolling down to the reply box then hitting the 'upload images' button. Insert image as full not thumbnail.
  2. Sony cameras only.
  3. Camera metadata must be included in the images to verify.
  4. Only one photo entry per member.
  5. Keep the photos clean and family friendly.
  6. Please don't use sky replacements or AI image generation.
  7. You are free to change you image during the entry period.
  8. Not essential but it would be nice if you added a little background information on your entry.
How to Vote (when voting opens)
  1. Use the vote button (up arrow) to the right of the post (below post on mobile) to vote up images that you like
  2. You can vote on as many images as you like apart from your own
Upcoming Themes for 2025
Our themes for the year have already been decided to give you a heads-up on what's coming next.
  • Jan: Black & White
  • Feb: Natural World and Wildlife
  • Mar: Creative
  • Apr: Action
  • May: Mechanized Machines
  • Jun: Land and City Scapes
  • Jul: At Home
  • August: Close Up / Macro
  • Sep: Long Exposure
  • Oct: Street
  • Nov: After Dark
  • Dec: Your Favorite Shot of 2025
I'd really appreciate feedback about how the competition is running but please don't post it in this thread. Instead please post any feedback in this thread in the Feedback Forum.

Thank you for participating and good luck!

A big thanks to all who have entered our first comp of 2025. It's nice to start the year off with seeing so many great images entered. Voting is now enabled.
Upvote 1
A big thanks to everyone who entered and voted in our first competition of 2025. As with last year, the black and white theme is certainly one of our more popular themes :)
  • 1st place with 10 votes was @Alan Clark with a superb shot of the iconic Tower Bridge, London.
  • 2nd place with 9 votes was @-ST- with a beautiful early morning fog shot of what appears to be an old pier?
  • 3rd place with 8 votes was @GeffBourke with a stunning early morning backlit shot of a ballerina by the ocean front, Cuba.
The theme for this months competition will be Natural World and Wildlife.
Upvote 0
A big thanks to everyone who entered and voted in our first competition of 2025. As with last year, the black and white theme is certainly one of our more popular themes :)
  • 1st place with 10 votes was @Alan Clark with a superb shot of the iconic Tower Bridge, London.
  • 2nd place with 9 votes was @-ST- with a beautiful early morning fog shot of what appears to be an old pier?
  • 3rd place with 8 votes was @GeffBourke with a stunning early morning backlit shot of a ballerina by the ocean front, Cuba.
The theme for this months competition will be Natural World and Wildlife.
Thanks, Tim.
This was a fun contest.
The shot was the remains of the Crescent Oyster Company
Upvote 0
Thanks, Tim.
I also entered Tower Bridge in the Wiki Loves Monuments 2024 photo competition, and I have just heard that it finished in the UK's top 10 and was awarded Highly Commended.
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A big thanks to everyone who entered and voted in our first competition of 2025. As with last year, the black and white theme is certainly one of our more popular themes :)
  • 1st place with 10 votes was @Alan Clark with a superb shot of the iconic Tower Bridge, London.
  • 2nd place with 9 votes was @-ST- with a beautiful early morning fog shot of what appears to be an old pier?
  • 3rd place with 8 votes was @GeffBourke with a stunning early morning backlit shot of a ballerina by the ocean front, Cuba.
The theme for this months competition will be Natural World and Wildlife.
Well done to the winners and all the entries, some really great photographs entered this month. Hopefully, we can all keep up the momentum.
Upvote 0
Metadata must be embedded with image entries. There is no restriction on the date taken. Sony cameras only.

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