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My First Ever Deep Space Object!!!

JC Photography

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Aug 18, 2020
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Justin Childress
United States
Carthage, NC
I received my iOptron Skyguider Pro several weeks ago and I have been itching to get out and try some deep space objects for the first time. I had several days of beautiful weather but I had one problem....I was waiting to get my 200-600mm lens back from Sony from repair 😡.

Finally my lens arrived and just so happen I had a short period of the evening when it was going to be clear. I loaded the stuff up and set out early to get everything set up as this was the first time I have ever balanced this heavy of a load and tried getting precise polar alignment.

I had everything set up by the time it really got dark. I had my camera locked on Orion and made sure my focus was set. I set my intervalometer for 1 min hoping I would get the image I have been waiting for. I wasn’t expecting to be able to get that long of an exposure without an auto guider but low and behold the shutter released and there it was...the beautiful Orion and Running Man Nebulas!!! I was so excited!

I didn’t get as many exposures as I hoped because clouds started moving in but I was so happy with what I got. After several edits and lots of YouTube videos, here is the results (pretty proud of my first image):

📸: Sony a6100 with Sony 200-600mm G @ 600mm
25 light frames at f/6.3, iso 1600, 60”
20 dark frames at same settings

stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and edited in Photoshop.
Stunning, simply stunning! I should never see stuff like this!
Nice one and that's a great image. I've just fallen head first down the astro imaging hole and yeah been pretty much cloudy ever since.
Wonderful! I've shot Orion as well... albeit with a shorter lens and no tracker... so results aren't even close.
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

I'll tell you something about images like this. I've been an amateur astronomer for over 50 years and for many years during my hobby, a shot like this would only be possible using professional equipment at a major observatory. Now anyone with relatively modest equipment can do what I consider to be world class imaging. Seeing photos like this, are the main reason I purchased an a6000. It's gonna take me a while to get good enough to post something similar but I'm looking forward to trying. Thanks for the inspiration.
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

I'll tell you something about images like this. I've been an amateur astronomer for over 50 years and for many years during my hobby, a shot like this would only be possible using professional equipment at a major observatory. Now anyone with relatively modest equipment can do what I consider to be world class imaging. Seeing photos like this, are the main reason I purchased an a6000. It's gonna take me a while to get good enough to post something similar but I'm looking forward to trying. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks so much! It’s a blast doing deep space!
I received my iOptron Skyguider Pro several weeks ago and I have been itching to get out and try some deep space objects for the first time. I had several days of beautiful weather but I had one problem....I was waiting to get my 200-600mm lens back from Sony from repair 😡.

Finally my lens arrived and just so happen I had a short period of the evening when it was going to be clear. I loaded the stuff up and set out early to get everything set up as this was the first time I have ever balanced this heavy of a load and tried getting precise polar alignment.

I had everything set up by the time it really got dark. I had my camera locked on Orion and made sure my focus was set. I set my intervalometer for 1 min hoping I would get the image I have been waiting for. I wasn’t expecting to be able to get that long of an exposure without an auto guider but low and behold the shutter released and there it was...the beautiful Orion and Running Man Nebulas!!! I was so excited!

I didn’t get as many exposures as I hoped because clouds started moving in but I was so happy with what I got. After several edits and lots of YouTube videos, here is the results (pretty proud of my first image):

📸: Sony a6100 with Sony 200-600mm G @ 600mm
25 light frames at f/6.3, iso 1600, 60”
20 dark frames at same settings

stacked in Deep Sky Stacker and edited in Photoshop. View attachment 7026
Thanks so much! It’s a blast doing deep space!
Don't stop is all I can say as if this is your 1st time at it you have done your research on what to do and you did it or done it so well.
I know it is something I would like to give a go at some stage as well. But very well done.

New in Marketplace
