News New Firmware for A7CII, A7CR, A7RV & ZV-E1

Tim Mayo

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Mar 1, 2020
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There's new firmware out for the A7CII, A7CR, A7RV & ZV-E1.

For these cameras the easiest way to update the firmware is via Sony’s Creators App which can be used to download and also install the firmware.

Alternatively you can download and install via memory card. Further details on the steps can be found on the firmware download pages below:
Absolutely, positively indefensible for Sony to release these without the A1 or even A7S III firmware. No idea what they're thinking but starting to wonder if I shouldn't have just moved to Canon instead of getting an A1.
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Absolutely, positively indefensible for Sony to release these without the A1 or even A7S III firmware. No idea what they're thinking but starting to wonder if I shouldn't have just moved to Canon instead of getting an A1.
I can recommend the R5 :p
Absolutely, positively indefensible for Sony to release these without the A1 or even A7S III firmware. No idea what they're thinking but starting to wonder if I shouldn't have just moved to Canon instead of getting an A1.
If there is nothing for the A1 by the end of the month I will consider my options.
Absolutely, positively indefensible for Sony to release these without the A1
A7iv not being in the list, I didn't take too much notice, just now, at the rumours site, but... Isn't it mostly fixes? In which case, it might be forgivable?
I will consider my options.
"Sir! You force me to... to... consider my options!" ;)
the easiest way to update the firmware is via Sony’s Creators App
The Cr'app? I barely trust to upload pics to my phone. I would never trust it to be involved in a firmware upgrade! :oops:
I'm disappointed that the A1 firmware update is not out.

I had a look at the description of these latest firmware updates, they all cover the same list of camera problems/failings (see below).
No new or enhanced features.

Benefits and Improvements​

  • Fixes an issue where the movie recordings weren’t recorded under certain shooting conditions
  • Fixes an issue where the camera could restart if many faces were simultaneously recognized at the same time when shooting a movies
  • Fixes an issue where the time code wasn’t always retained after a power restart
  • Improves the exposure stability when using extended ISO during movie recordings
  • Improves the operational stability of the camera
IMO Sony should prioritise fixing bugs with products recently released.

The A1 firmware update as far as I understand is not to fix issues, it's to enhance the features.

Hopefully now they have released these fixes, they can get the finger out and end our wait.
What we need is someone, not me, who is good at writing complaint letters, put it out on social media and we each send the letter to Sony.
If enough people do it then they won't be able to ignore it and we might get some sort of answer about A1 firmware.

Any volunteers?
Just looking at the listing of the "fixes" in these updates, I don't feel the need to update my Sony A7R V -- works just fine for me, no problems, and I have never shot a movie with it, nor do I intend to do so. When the update for the A1 finally comes out, I will review that and consider updating it, though......
I'm disappointed that the A1 firmware update is not out.

I had a look at the description of these latest firmware updates, they all cover the same list of camera problems/failings (see below).
No new or enhanced features.

Benefits and Improvements​

  • Fixes an issue where the movie recordings weren’t recorded under certain shooting conditions
  • Fixes an issue where the camera could restart if many faces were simultaneously recognized at the same time when shooting a movies
  • Fixes an issue where the time code wasn’t always retained after a power restart
  • Improves the exposure stability when using extended ISO during movie recordings
  • Improves the operational stability of the camera
IMO Sony should prioritise fixing bugs with products recently released.

The A1 firmware update as far as I understand is not to fix issues, it's to enhance the features.

Hopefully now they have released these fixes, they can get the finger out and end our wait.
So, here's the thing:

Almost every single firmware update that is release is to fix camera issues. Sony rarely adds features to an old camera. The assumption is that they may add some features to the A1 to shut us up until the A1M2 is released, probably early next year. However, that is all rumor to this point having been repeated numerous times, but there is no confirmation that it's anything more than wishful thinking.

If you notice, Sony always (and I mean always) includes "Improves operational stability of the camera". For my part, I have never noticed any instability in any of my camera's operations. My A7 IV remains not updated from the last release because, having never noticed any instability, and having no need or desire for the stuff they fixed, it's unnecessary.

I am going to postulate herein:

The A1 firmware will be released in two parts. One will be fixes and be free, the other will be improvements and will be pay-to-play. They may throw us a bone and toss some minor new feature in the free firmware, but not what people are expecting.

As I've said before, the A1 is already a capable camera, and plenty enough for my use. Sony doesn't owe us anything, we didn't buy the cameras with the promise of future improvements. I'd be thrilled if they could somehow include the pre-capture feature that showed up in the A9III.

Oh, and of course, train recognition! :p
Excuse me for been a bit inexperienced but when the A1 came out it was the greatest thing since sliced bread , now some owners seem to slate it ,would you actually notice an improvement to your pictures with the update ,I only ask as a mere A9II owner ,is it worth updating to the A1, something I was thinking about .
Excuse me for been a bit inexperienced but when the A1 came out it was the greatest thing since sliced bread , now some owners seem to slate it ,would you actually notice an improvement to your pictures with the update ,I only ask as a mere A9II owner ,is it worth updating to the A1, something I was thinking about .
Yes, it's an amazing camera and well more capable than most.

The reason it's such a big deal is that the camera came out 3 years ago and since them Canikon has introduced a few cameras with features some A1 owners would like to have. Sony has been promising an update for months and months, so what you're seeing is a lot of pent-up frustration directed at Sony.

I bought mine right at the first of the year, knowing the update was coming, but also knowing that if they never changed a thing the camera will still deliver more than I need. As I've said before, a firmware update would be icing on an already well-iced cake. If you're considering one, don't hesitate based on this. Buy with confidence, I did!
Thanks for the background information ,certainly impressed with people's images I've seen especially before editing .
If there is nothing for the A1 by the end of the month I will consider my options.
I saw Sony mentioned A1 update on their Instagram account today: version # 2.0
My a7RV works quite well. I have not experienced any of the issues mentioned under "fixed". I am more curious than in "need". Is there anything under "operational stability" that people have noticed that merits upgrading? I'm currently using firmware ver 1.0
My a7RV works quite well. I have not experienced any of the issues mentioned under "fixed". I am more curious than in "need". Is there anything under "operational stability" that people have noticed that merits upgrading? I'm currently using firmware ver 1.0

I used mine with firmware 1.0 for months. I mainly upgraded because I was doing my other cameras :cool:

Haven’t noticed anything particularly better or worse, to be honest.
Anybody seen any problems with the A7CII firmware please? In fairness I haven't seen anything online, but just wondering if any users of said camera on here?

EDIT: Answered my own question as it arrived with 1.02 already installed :)

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