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New to Sony

Bob D

Mar 30, 2021
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BOb Dudley
I apologize for the long introduction. Many years ago (50!) I shot a lot of black and white with a Cannon SLR and processed the film in my own home dark room. THis camera was great; however, it required a lot of maintenance and the whole hobby got way too expensive. My wife and migrated to point and shoots to record our childernas they grew up. Them film started to disappear and we migrated to point and shoot, and when film beame scarce we entered the digital age. Many of the latter point and shoot cameras were Olympus as my daughter use to work for Olympus. My first low end DSLR is an Olympus; however it is old and I wanted something more sophisticated than what I had been using.
I had in mind a Nikon as several of the people in my birding group used Nikon cameras; though there are also a Cannon or two floating around. I went to the local camera shop with the idea of checking out a Nikon. The saleperson mentioned that I could pick up a used Sony a7 mark ii for less than the Nikon I was looking at. I have watched many youtube videos and the Sony camera was too expensive for me yet I now have one with a 24-200 lens. Watching the videos on using this camera presents a steep learning curve for me. I apologize for any stupid questions and maybe some (many) newbie errors. Looking at the post this appears to be a great place to pick up a lot tricks and Tips.


Welcome Bob. Many nice, knowledgeable people here.
I apologize for the long introduction. Many years ago (50!) I shot a lot of black and white with a Cannon SLR and processed the film in my own home dark room. THis camera was great; however, it required a lot of maintenance and the whole hobby got way too expensive. My wife and migrated to point and shoots to record our childernas they grew up. Them film started to disappear and we migrated to point and shoot, and when film beame scarce we entered the digital age. Many of the latter point and shoot cameras were Olympus as my daughter use to work for Olympus. My first low end DSLR is an Olympus; however it is old and I wanted something more sophisticated than what I had been using.
I had in mind a Nikon as several of the people in my birding group used Nikon cameras; though there are also a Cannon or two floating around. I went to the local camera shop with the idea of checking out a Nikon. The saleperson mentioned that I could pick up a used Sony a7 mark ii for less than the Nikon I was looking at. I have watched many youtube videos and the Sony camera was too expensive for me yet I now have one with a 24-200 lens. Watching the videos on using this camera presents a steep learning curve for me. I apologize for any stupid questions and maybe some (many) newbie errors. Looking at the post this appears to be a great place to pick up a lot tricks and Tips.


Welcome Bob! There is a lot of knowledge here. I spent the first week I joined, living in the search bar and reading old posts! There's no such thing as a stupid question as we were all newbies at some point. I also found that if you type in your camera make and model and in YouTube, you will find a ton of videos. Just search for "Sony a7ii setup". 😃:)
Welcome and thank you for joining up here Bob and introducing yourself. There are definitely no stupid questions here so please feel free to ask away :)

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