Mammals NZ Fur Seals

Richard A

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Jan 29, 2024
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Richard Allan
Adelaide, South Australia
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It was raining here all day yesterday so I sat down & processed all (some anyway) of the photos I've been meaning to do for months. These are New Zealand fur seals, kekeno in the Māori language. I have posted a different shot of one of these previously.

  • ILCE-7RM5
  • 227.0 mm
  • ƒ/11
  • 1/125 sec
  • ISO 100

  • ILCE-7RM5
  • 74.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/800 sec
  • ISO 400

  • ILCE-7RM5
  • 171.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/500 sec
  • ISO 400
Chunky boys
Actually, they are one of the smaller fur seals I believe but the males can still be pretty big. And look at the teeth on that one! You can see he has a mane which is why they are called sea lions.
Cool, we just have Grey Seals and Harbour Seals, but I live 15 minutes from the second largest colony of greys in the UK. They are fab to watch.
It's not uncommon to see the odd Australian sea lion swimming around the jetty on a beach side suburb of Adelaide, trying to steal fishermen's bait or the contents of crab pots.
It's not uncommon to see the odd Australian sea lion swimming around the jetty on a beach side suburb of Adelaide, trying to steal fishermen's bait or the contents of crab pots.
Easy pickings
When we went to Tasmania, we done a cruise on a smaller sized boat and they took us to the NZ Seals way out on a rocky outcrop in the sea. I think he said that in a colony of them there are only males.
And then we went to the Australian Fur seals which are bigger not that I could tell. These were smellier than the NZ counterparts and that in their colony there are males and females.
Thought I think that either one have that cute look about them.
I also like the shots that you posted of them.
I remember, when I was a kid, going on a cruise from Philip Island to a sea lion colony. That was pretty smelly. I have been to Seal Bay on Kangaroo Island a couple of times. That is an Australian Sea Lion colony. They are definitely quite a bit bigger. With all the sea lion varieties, the males are generally about three times the size of the females.