Ok so where the heck are all you guys?


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Oct 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
Ok so not funny anymore where are you all and what are you doing? post excuses below please 🤣
Ok, I'll go first. I have been, in no particular order (and doing multiple of these at the same time, including right now) learning Final Cut Pro to edit video from my A7R5, editing some images from my A7R5 for printing, planning some (or a) time lapse video shoot, scanning some old black and white film, editing and printing some of those old b&w pics, attempting to upload some videos to YouTube, among other things. I'm exhausted just writing it down!
Currently working from my laptop near the back porch to see if I get another iguana photoshoot today LOL
If I wasn't working, I'd be editing family photos that have piled up over this month.

EDIT: oooh I see the dragonflies have returned, I might get a photo of them later.
I'm, ummm

<- about here! (oh wait, I thought it showed "country" there)
--> India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

<--- I put it.

Giving my gear a week in the drying cabinet, taking some time off, but getting some concert pics edited. 40-70 pics per concert: I can do "production-line" editing in Gimp, just levels, balance, highlights, etc in a minute or two each. But editing in darktable is much more long-winded,

Getting a bit hot. Temperature rising up the thirties (Centigrade).

That's it, really...
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Winter birds (mostly boring ones) have basically headed out and the spring migration birds really haven't shown up yet. Also when I have an absolute ton of unedited images I feel kind of overwhelmed and end up going through the images much slower than normal. A month ago I got back from 2 weeks in Costa Rice and came back with over 20k images. Also I've been looking for other things to photograph and though I have tried some stuff nothing worth keeping let alone sharing.
Prior to this trip, I was catching up at home after 2 months in Europe, 6 weeks post op recovery, 2 weeks in Japan and a few days in France.

Tomorrow is P day, new puppy day, so apart from pupdates, you may not be getting a lot out of me.
Im trying to post a little bit, but the production of photos is not very high theese days. I have two small kids, and work work work 🫣

More images coming - i promise! I will do a attempt on tracking down a Eurasian eagle-owl in the near future, i got some inside information on a nest nearby 🙃
Only recently finally finished up editing a backlog of several months' worth of images -- whew! At this point I'm still dealing with backing everything up and getting it all (re)organized..... Along with, you know, regular daily life, too, this spring has been much busier than I had expected!
Busiest month of the year at work for me.
Prior to this trip, I was catching up at home after 2 months in Europe, 6 weeks post op recovery, 2 weeks in Japan and a few days in France.

Tomorrow is P day, new puppy day, so apart from pupdates, you may not be getting a lot out of me.
Ok so not funny anymore where are you all and what are you doing? post excuses below please 🤣
Working, training, traveling, helping my son and his wife move house. When I took early semi-retirement just under a year ago, I thought that, with working only 50%, I would now have lots of time for everything I have ever wanted to do, but find myself busier than ever, don't know where the time is disappearing to 🤔
Working, training, traveling, helping my son and his wife move house. When I took early semi-retirement just under a year ago, I thought that, with working only 50%, I would now have lots of time for everything I have ever wanted to do, but find myself busier than ever, don't know where the time is disappearing to 🤔
From what I've seen, it seems like for many people the move towards retirement brings the expectation of them having more time available to do stuff that family/friends don't have time for. I enjoy helping people, but I have also learned to book time for my own pursuits. Hopefully you will get some time for yourself too.
From what I've seen, it seems like for many people the move towards retirement brings the expectation of them having more time available to do stuff that family/friends don't have time for. I enjoy helping people, but I have also learned to book time for my own pursuits. Hopefully you will get some time for yourself too.
Definitely making time for my own pursuits, but I have a long list of things I want to do and think I am just trying to do too much too quickly and still need to learn how to pace myself better.
In hostipal with my right leg looking like it belongs to someone who weighs 40 stone, not 11....
  • CPH2333
  • 4.1 mm
  • ƒ/1.8
  • 1/33 sec
  • ISO 691
Oh wow! What did you do?
Oh ok. Well, I hope all goes well for you. One of my wife's friends has just had both her knees done at the same time, which I thought wasn't done. But she's actually doing really well. I'm pretty lucky - my back's not great but all my other joints are pretty good so far.
Oh ok. Well, I hope all goes well for you. One of my wife's friends has just had both her knees done at the same time, which I thought wasn't done. But she's actually doing really well. I'm pretty lucky - my back's not great but all my other joints are pretty good so far.
That's done very rarely here, because getting control over walking again is do hard, you need strength in one leg to support the other. The way this feels I can see why. I'm doing good this morning ta for saying.