sigma ceo announcing in the pipeline a new sports and wildlife lens

Paul stuart

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Aug 29, 2020
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What are your speculative thoughts on sigmas announcement of unique lens never seen before sports and wildlife lens ,i am hoping this will be something with a built in t/c similar to olympus /om 150-400mm 4.5 lens maybe more likley a 100-300mm f2.8 ,be nice if they made a zoom that reaches 800mm aka canon style but a greater aperture at 800mm ,fingers crossed it comes to fruition next year sigma have performed exceptionaly well this year with lenses that match or surpass more expensive gm lenses but offer greater value.
Didn't he promise something not seen before? And a prime + a zoom?

That would rule out things like a 100-300 (although you could be picky, and say that the previous 100-300 Sigma was f/4, and the f/2.8 was 120-300).

It could be something trivial, like a 250mm prime, but the way it was phrased suggested something more novel, and Sigma has made some novel lenses before - like the f/1.8 zooms (admittedly, APS-C).

I'm having trouble thinking of something truly unseen, How about a tilt'n'shift zoom lens, for example (I suspect that might be impossible)

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