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Thoughts on genuine Sony mount lenses and third party options for the system, are you Sony only have you got a mix of both

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Oct 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
Ok we have many chats on here about lenses usually Sony native, but what do you think about Sony line up, quality, value, results in use, and what about third party options how do they work on the system, results , value, What do you want in lens line up moving forward? Have a say anything lens related
Oh yeah, the Tamron comes with a 6-year warranty, as opposed to Sony's 1.

Well let's see, I made a statement, you responded to it with a completely incorrect comment regarding my position which was likely due to emotion since you only read what impacted you. So, yeah...you are.

The Sony lost more money. Percentages are irrelevant. the guy who sold the Sigma lost less money. The Sony lost more money. Oh, wait, did I already say that?
We all lose money regardless of brand it has never affected my thinking on which brand to buy few things in life make money, I knew this question would have the out right replies basically saying Sony all the way and then the other side who have bought into both Sony and third party kit
I have a mix - Sony 18-135mm that I bought on the A6600 camera, 70-350 that I just bought mainly on the slightly longer focal length than the Tamron, great reviews and functions on the lens. I also have the Sigma 30mm f1.4 which is excellent, great bokeh, and the Tamron 24mm Di III MSD which I'm very happy with. A friend borrowed the Tamron to compare with his Sony 24mm and tested them on the A7IIIR and commented that performance was similar but the Tamron was about half the price.
I try to go with camera brand lenses, to a point, w cost being the prohibitive reason. I have the Sigma 105mm and absolutely love it. Sigma Art for me is the only other brand I'll look at, based off having owned a few of them over the years. Yes they're a little heavier but that glass is on par, in my eyes, w Sony. Looking at reviews/comparisons online, the only people that will truly notice a difference are those photographers that pixel peep and are looking for something to be wrong.

I also find myself moving to primes vs zooms overall. Except for my 200-600 of course which I use for my nature shots. When I bought my a7rv, I went ahead and got the 24-105 f4, which is a really nice lens but its sat in my bag for at least the last 8 months, and can see it going up for sale soon, probably replace it w a sigma 35mm Art
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I have been eyeing the Voigtlander 65mm apo for macro stuff, do you have any experience with that lens?
Sweet lens! EXIF data, turns focus magnification on when the focus ring is turned, gorgeous image quality, kinda big & heavy.

  • ILCE-7RM3
  • Voigtländer 65mm F/2 Macro Apo-Lanthar asph. (Sony E)
  • 65.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 400

  • ILCE-7RM3
  • Voigtländer 65mm F/2 Macro Apo-Lanthar asph. (Sony E)
  • 65.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/400 sec
  • ISO 400

  • ILCE-7RM3
  • Voigtländer 65mm F/2 Macro Apo-Lanthar asph. (Sony E)
  • 65.0 mm
  • ƒ/8
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 400
  • ILCE-7RM3
  • Voigtländer 65mm F/2 Macro Apo-Lanthar asph. (Sony E)
  • 65.0 mm
  • ƒ/5.6
  • 1/160 sec
  • ISO 400

Late to the party on this thread, which went a bit astray and has returned!

I have no issue using third party lenses, and have plenty of Sigma over the years on other systems, they make some great glass, no question, and, for the most part, they all play nice with their intended system, with one or 2 exceptions. I had a Sigma zoom on my Pentax and it was terrible for hunting for focus, it was chalk and cheese with the native Pentax I bought after, so I will always research reviews and test them before buying if possible.
With that said, I now favour Tamron over Sigma for 3rd party choices, ever since owning 2 G2 lenses on my Nikon system. They are so well made, and very very sharp, as well as having nice contrasted colour rendition, they play very well too. I only have one on the Sony, a 24mm 2.8, which is epically sharp and cost less than £200, thus it's a bargain! I wish that Tamron would make a bigger range for Sony, after all, they used to make Sony's lenses for them. I'd love to see them make a fast prime for wildlife, or a long macro (a150 or 180), it's something the system lacks and Tamron could steal the march. I digress.

Short answer. It doesn't matter if it's sharp and plays well on the system :)
Voigtlander lenses certainly have a certain flare which make their pictures very unique. I like that. I might check their range to see if there's something special that can cover my needs.
One of their lenses which spurs a lot of talk is the 50mm APO Lanthar. It's almost ridiculously sharp, and it's a pleasure to use - it works in A mode quite happily. You do have to use the aperture ring to set the aperture, but it talks to the camera to tell it focus distance for IBIS and auto-exposure. Also triggers the MF magnifier when you turn the focus ring.

Excellent sun stars if you avoid the apertures with round aperture (f/2, f/2.8).

It's kind of the manual focus lens for people who don't want to manual anything but focus :cool:

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