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Travel lens options please, is there a good short to medium reach lens, or a couple of options?

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Oct 28, 2020
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United Kingdom
Ok I currently have only a couple of short lenses for travel use both are older now and one being the zeiss 24-70 f4 which is ok but is old and there are possibly better options. And the other lens I have is the Sony 70-200 f4 again older and probably more useable than the zeiss focal length wise. Is there a one fits all lens short to medium reach or a couple of lens you recommend, size and weight do matter, so fire away with your choice please and thanks in advance (y)
I have a 24-240mm zoom that I purchased with the camera. It was very useful while I got a feel for the camera, traveling around the Czech Republic. I suppose I then bought primes because I like having the aperture when/if I need it. Sony offers beautiful primes.

Everyone is different hey! I started with zooms, then I went to primes, then I realised I like zooms so much more! I think the only reason I like my little 40mm prime is because it gives you what you see already, although I'd much rather just use the 24-70mm instead of it these days. Apart from a macro lens I don't think I'll ever buy another prime again.

Sony do make lovely primes though. A real blessing for prime users. 🙂
The majority of my lenses are primes, but there are some situations in which a zoom is really the better option. If going on a casual stroll around the lake I usually take either the 100-400 or the 70-200mm, so that I'm ready to capture just about any situation either on land or in the water or the air. When planning to go out and shoot flowers or foliage around the neighborhood, I usually reach for a prime (most frequently a macro lens but sometimes a lens which isn't a macro but is reasonably close-focusing nonetheless. That said, I have been known to use my zooms for shooting flowers, too!
If I was going on vacation today it'd be the 24-105 and 100-400.
Well it isn't today or tomorrow but it is 2 days from now and that is the combination I am taking. It also fits in my sling bag nicely.
I really prefer small and light-weight.

Right now, A7c with Tamron 20-40 f/2.8 and Sigma 90mm f/2.8 covers things really well for me. I tend to go wide, far more frequently than long.

And wow, I'm really loving the A7c. (A7iv is my back-up.)

The 20-70 f/4 is an appealing prospect, however.
Early days but just bought the Sony 16-35mm f/4 G series. Angled towards video but rates well for stills. Only 353g so I’m willing to trade a stop of light for a massive weight saving vs the f/2.8. Then a Sony 50mm f/1.8 for low light and only 186g. Not a set up for wildlife but lightweight handy combo for travel. A7C and the 50mm just handheld is 720g which has it benefits when you don’t want to carry too much.

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