I'm playing with my new camera. This is the best one I took, trying to get a deeper depth of field while still hand holding the camera. Using the A6400 with the compact kit lens.
Sun, now that you have a tripod, try stopping down. Where f1.4 is min DOF and max bokeh. f22 is max DOF and min bokeh. Handheld will be more difficult at small apertures f22 because shutters will become slower. That's been my experience. You can experiment to find your best combo.
get an app for the phone, a DOF app and you will save yourself hours of shooting as you will have a viable starting point for adjusting aperture and DOF gained. Some fstops will surprise you as will the lenses...also, be aware that you can gain DOF and turn out a crappy image due to diffraction at that particular fstop